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Everything posted by lumuah

  1. Paul Moody, Sergei Gotsmanov, Steve Baker, Derek Statham, Paul Rideout, Ray Wallace, Neil Maddison, and one player who I think would have been an immense player but injury robbed him of a great career - David Hughes.
  2. The Ruddock penalty was an immense memory, however, I think the day everyone who was there would remember is.... When Benali scored!
  3. Go into a local newsagent/supermarket, pick up a copy of PC Advisor, flick to the back, and they have lists of the best laptops currently available in price bands. Decide your budget, pick laptop, and then do some searching online for the best price. PC Advisor is, in my opinion (probably not everyone's though) is a pretty good magazine for computer advice.
  4. Now Saints have released their retained list, when can we expect P*mpey's?
  5. Pompey maths?
  6. They only provided us with missiles, satellite intelligence, a few other bits and bobs..... They won't help this time though, as Argentina is a more important trading partner than the UK.
  7. Do they get a points deduction for not producing one?
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/16643271.stm Definitely given up on him. Thread closed
  9. Gotta love the power of the internet
  10. You've got to love lunchtime drinking....
  11. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11711/7395275/Holloway-wants-Puncheon-back
  12. If they had the same chest pain, caused by the same problem, then actually they would have been - bar the helicopter ride to hospital
  13. Better be Friday, otherwise my works Xmas do will be interesting on Thursday!
  14. Interesting bit from the skates thread: 45 bluelagoon Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 11:30 AM From Global-Edmonton: "Prosecutors said Thursday they want to question the owners and would take "all measures" to locate and seize their assets both in Lithuania and abroad." So could Pompey soon be property of the Lithuanian state?
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-15696942
  16. RBL if anything are the more worthy cause, as they look after all ex servicemen, where H4H is 99% army only. H4H are loaded, and struggle to spend all their money. RBL struggle to keep up with the demands on their services
  17. Is he a money launderer then? Or a fraudster?
  18. Thank god he didn't call them mongs....
  19. Skacel signing?
  20. The article is about someone called Sam WILSON. But Fulham seem to want him too.
  21. Ireland don't need a big military for one big reason. Any potential agressor towards them would have to go through Britain first. And if they've done that, there is probably not much point in trying to fight them.
  22. Great sketch. Now on my facebook wall for all of the blackberry owners not to see!
  23. I don't think Thatcher was to blame for the demise of the RN. John Major maybe. Look at these two pages: 1975-2000 : http://frn.beedall.com/decline.htm 1990-2012: http://www.savetheroyalnavy.org/wordpress/royal-navy-warship-numbers-falling-off-a-cliff Some truly worrying numbers. Especially as next year i'll be on one of the destroyers. I don't rate my life expectancy very highly if we have to fight a proper war.
  24. lumuah


    I'm pretty much exactly the same - lack of sleep triggers a migraine. I nearly always get a migraine a couple of days into a holiday as well.
  25. lumuah


    Supposedly, some migraines are caused by a difference in blood supply between the brain and the rest of the skull. The problem can actually start in your neck - the muscles pull the scalp too tight. This is more a tension headache, which can trigger a full blown migraine in the susceptible. I get quite a few migraines, that if I don't get painkillers in quickly will make me throw up. Occasionally I get the visual disturbance (sometimes without the headache, which may follow some time later) which is distinctly unpleassant. You have my sympathy (as do the rest of the sufferers)
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