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Everything posted by saint_bert

  1. I will be the first to admit I had lost faith in the England team, however Capello is, I hope, turning the mental barrier we had around. Fantastic performance last night. Was great to see a team full of pace, confidence and intelligence. Carrick was awesome. I have found it suprising that he hasnt been included more in the squads, but Capello seems to know best and who am I to argue. Never have I been more pleased to admit that I was wrong. Well done lads.
  2. I find it a great shame that the great man does not have a more direct role within the club. Anyone know if that is his personal choice, or has never had the offer?
  3. Almost as strange as seeing Earl from my name as Earl playing Dave in Alvin and the chipminks.
  4. Just watched the Orphanage, found it gripping and there was a few genuine scares.
  5. Joke mate
  6. I have no shame in saying that the image on the front of The Sun, even though it was CGI brought me to tears. As a young Dad with a young boy I find it hard to comprehend what goes through the sick, demented minds of the vile individuals who inflict this upon innocent children. R.I.P little one
  7. Was probably Homer J Simpson
  8. 43- He introduced health and safety laws that prevent us banging on our bin at half time!!!!
  9. Lunatic fringe on tour!!!!! Going to be awesome
  10. My best mate does that!!!!! ******* nobber!!!!
  11. I feel a best Avatar award is required That is all
  12. hmmmmmm the same old spin Schredilin (spelling) Robertson Gasmi Pullis Smith Forecast If those players (plus the players ive probably missed) fees and wages come to the same as Sterns then i shall retact the question Somehow i doubt the probably do IMHO
  13. why were all our natural finishers john, rasiak etc sent out on loan and pretty average loans bought in ????
  14. Thank you Saints, the best birthday present ever
  15. I can hear Scoobey now
  16. a win takes us out bottom three charlton losing 3-0 t home COYR
  17. Well done Rupes, that must have been some HT team talk lol
  18. ******* get in come on saints make my birthday perfect
  19. currently 2 points behind charlton
  20. No goals in 4 games for City, oh well that will change next week
  21. very sad,sad times
  22. Friday- Halloween stuff with nipper, beer after Saterday- Tis my bday, lots of beer Sunday- recover from lots of beer
  23. If he is can someone throw something at him please
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