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Redondo Saint

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Everything posted by Redondo Saint

  1. One of the reasons I don't listen to the station anymore on-line or in UK. plus his voice is firking irritating too.
  2. What does your wife look like?
  3. Love the banter between the players after the pk in the Wolves game!
  4. Try the Hampshire FA. They shoudl have contact details for each team. I think team websites will be unreliable especially in the close season.
  5. Good post. There are also well advanced carrier based UAV prototypes. I don't get how the DM continues to embellish negative articles about Britain. Any chance of having a dig and they take it. Glad I can choose to read it on-line rather than pay for it.
  6. This really does make terrible reading..
  7. Sound advice. It justn't look good.
  8. Tyrells used to be pretty good but if you want consistant quality you should try shirts made in USA. Nordstroms is my choice and they usually last 2 years before I think about giving them a red card. Maybe tricky to iron but over here everyone sends to the cleaners.
  9. Don't start a thread with the word "Right". It's not big or clever.
  10. One of the good old boys for sure. I remember seeing him and Channon drinking at the Southampton Part hotel many times early Saturday evening. Who is the author (Bryan Cooney)?
  11. Eastleigh FC. Because we stole their airport!!
  12. Incredible the power of the Premier league when I have the choice of watching 7 live games this morning, none of which are pay to view. Normally on a Saturday I get 3 and on a Sunday 2. I know it's 'survival Sunday' but it's clear evidence of the worldwide appeal of the league. Sadly it's also a reflection on the power tv companies have on the game and why K.O at 3pm on a Saturday may be something of the past.
  13. I think it's now up to 20p
  14. Who is the big fat guy with glasses in the dressing room? Not that I am implying there is anything wrong with big fat men with glasses.
  15. Avoiding the drop will be enough for me. Stand-by for some miserable afternoons accompanied by the doom and gloom merchants!
  16. Fantastic Fans and team a huge credit to the town! Watched the BBC stream and the atmosphere was incredible!
  17. From C&A if I remember correctly!
  18. Announced on Solent - Not Guilty!! Hopefully he can concentrate on his game now
  19. Drama Queen thread. Get over it.
  20. Just another reminder of MLT
  21. It's all my fault! I knew it was a mistake to watch in my offie at work. It's piZZing down in LA to make it worse!
  22. Can't find it..... Cheers
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