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  1. On the Woolston Ferry, it doesn't go very fast It was never built for comfort, it was built to last... Bring it back :-)
  2. Good shout. Fellaini stood out for me in general. Lukaku was scarily good too.
  3. Blackpool.
  4. Awful redesign. If the aim was to make a one-click process into a convoluted and frustrating 3-4 click one, then they've succeeded. Even harder to use on a tablet of smartphone. I've pretty much given up on it (hope the club has someone reading this thread).
  5. TOSSA/COLSLAW very much alive and kicking. As Berkhamsted Saint said, we enjoyed pre- and post-match sessions in the Moon Under Water, carried our flag around, and were wholely responsible for our 3-0 win. OK, maybe not the last bit. Some of us (not me) go to every away game, and Watford being our home away fixture, as it were, meant we had a good turn-out. Hope to see some of you in the Premier League next season. Cheers
  6. Hi, Per the subject line. 10pm on Sky channel 429 (ESPN Classic) tonight (18th May 2011). Enjoy (I will). Cheers, MattressTester
  7. Well done, Guly. Worth a permanent contract?
  8. So sorry to hear about your mum, Daren. I'm sure she'd be proud of you right now, and taking comfort from all the wishes being sent her way from Saints fans. Take care.
  9. Well done and thanks, Baj. Working well so far.
  10. C'mon Saints.
  11. I'm in Les Carroz at the moment, and planning to ski in Flaine tomorrow, so I'll look out for someone in a Saints top!
  12. Any idea is the current standings are the final ones, or do they need to be updated yet?
  13. Recall seeing him when he was at Leicester a few seasons ago, and thinking he looked handy and certainly dangerous. If I'm not wrong, it was the game we drew 0-0? For some reason, I remember him as a left-winger then.
  14. Very sorry to hear this. My very best wishes to all of Bob's family and friends.
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