A break from the past was certainly long overdue and may have been the only option going forward if we are ever to become a serious force in football again. My one over-riding concern is not about the quality of our young ex-Academy players - some will make it, some will not - but whether those that do will really have a different attitude to the lure of the premiership and it's elusive riches, to the likes of Bridge, Bale and Walcott who badgered off at the first sniff of a pony!
This is where Poortvliet will face his biggest test as a manager. Somehow, he must make himself more important to these kids than their agents, which means establishing a bond of trust and loyalty with them individually that will enable them to thrive in a successful team.
Unfortunately for Jan this will require success within 2/3 years because if it doesn't come then the lads, who will then be a bit older and a bit wiser, will lose trust and respect for him and his system and begin to think their only route to riches will be up the M3 or A34