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Charlie Wayman

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Everything posted by Charlie Wayman

  1. If it wasn't obvious before it is now, our lads haven't the faintest idea what Poortvleit is on about; now they can't even be bothered to try to work it out. He has lost them. For goodness sake get him out before it's too late. JAN you seem to be a nice bloke, you know you are out of your depth over here so please save us any more agony and b*gger off back to The Netherlands
  2. Good luck to him, he has done all he can for Pompey and he knows that all the promises of new grounds and new training facilities are just bullsh*t as they are mired in debt. Unlike many on here I do not wish on them a future like our recent history. We want a strong football presence in the South but with one team heading for the BSQ and another for the Third Division the last thing this region needs or deserves is for it's one remaining team above the parapet to disintegrate in the wake of Redknapps departure and also start falling like a stone through the divisions. What value our infamous rivalry in the Southern Conference with only 316 watching?
  3. As usual listened in to RS but gave up when we went 2-0 down. This season I have a ST which I am not using until Lowe leaves. Next year I will not bother even with a ST, it has come to this after over 40 years as a ST and many more before as a 'turn-up' man.
  4. I suppose you meant to say "My friend and I will...?"
  5. Rudi is one of those lucky bustards who looks like a footballer the second he waddles onto the field. End of story! From then on it's always downhill all the way. That is why nobody wants to buy him and he doesn't figure in his national team. It is a desperate measure indeed when even our erstwhile coveted TFM (total football man) falls back on the likes of Rudi to save the ship from going down. It suggests to me that the hole below the water line is far more serious than we think. TFM has lost it and running about the decks like a headless chicken when he is supposed to be up on the bridge steering us into tropical calms and misty eyed sunsets.
  6. What I don't get is that when we field a team of average age 22 who try to play Total Football, we get stuffed over and over again, when Arsenal field a team of average age 22 who try to play Total Football theY beat Fernabace 5-2 and the whole world says wHAt wonderful kids they are. What a great academy CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS PARADOX PLEASE MR JAN POORTVLEIT AND MR RUPERT LOWE AND MR MICHAEL WILDE?
  7. Lessons learnt? You must be Ffing kidding! Nothing has been learnt this season since the West Ham match revealed that we couldn't defend a fortress against a plague of orange ballooons. (There's a Dutch reference in there somewhere). This bloke Poortvleit has ONE BIG IDEA and he is going to plug away every week doing the same old thing in the same old way with the same predictable result. The whole team selection thing and approach to matches is total b*ll*cks and if ever a team was doomed to RELEGATION it is this year's Saints.
  8. It's no good harping on about strikers, we ain't creating anything from midfield that warrants the use of strikers in our team. Chopping and changing strikers around is missing the point altogether. Until we stop running around like headless chickens in mid-field and actually devise a plan to get beyond defenders, all talk of strikers is pie-in-the-sky
  9. I heard this on RS and it was bloody dire. Awful in fact, a drab kick-about in the local park of a Sunday morning would be more enterprising and exciting than this dross. We keep plumbing new depths on our route to obscurity. Poortvleit now seems to have adopted the strategy of let's pick eleven names out of a Ffing hat! He obviously hasn't a clue as to his best team. He's LOST, up sh*t* creek, paddle-less, rudderless and holed beneath the water line. He'll soon have to make a proper decision to save his own neck. I loved his approach in the friendly games, now he's proved to be just another w**k*r in disguise.
  10. There's nothing to dislike about him, it's just that his ideas aren't working. By all accounts he froze into impotence on Saturday when more than ever the youngsters needed some instruction and leadership. He isn't helped by not having an authoritative figure on the field to cajole and gee up the lads. Surman doesn't seem to want to do it and Wootton is a hoofball relic and not used to total fotball. Other than that Davies was too busy having a strop, falling over and picking the ball out of his net. Lowe as usual won't take early decisive action as he created this mess and appointed Jan in the first palce, so his pride is at stake again.
  11. Relegation is guaranteed by Christmas if things don't change fast. This is a different league to last year with a much clearer delineation between the good teams and the poor teams. The gaps are already beginning to open up and soon it'll take more than a couple of wins to move us to safety.
  12. Why not ask them if you are a shareholder
  13. They count the ST's as being there but I wasn't for one so as usual the published numbers are pure spin presumably to keep sponsor's on-side.
  14. Lowe has of course - as was inevitable - repeated the same crass mistakes that saw us relegated from the premiership. In the name of cost saving he has lumbered us with yet another low rent, inexperienced and ineffective manager who blames players for his own failures of leadership, knowledge and skills. I do not know the solution and my anti-Lowe boycott of SMS is probably only adding to the Club's plight. I would return if Lowe left the Club but that is about as likely as Saints being able to defend a corner.
  15. Expectations are low anyway so this result only confirms that we are a poor side with limited prospects. Relegation is pretty much a certainty now, this group of players does not have the knowse to turn things around and we just cannot afford to buy any experienced people to help them. Administration is a near certainty as well, as the lack of real passion amongst the crowd suggests that many more will drift away as the weeks go by. This is becoming our darkest hour.
  16. Looks odds on for a 0-0 or 0-1, no more than that. Two poor teams in indifferent form.
  17. The weather forecast is good but nobody is shopping so the wives will stay at home and the blokes won't have the excuse to sneak off to SMS for a couple of hours. That means quite a few having to make a conscious decision to get up off their Rrses and make the effort of a trip into town. Will they, won't they? The way we're palaying at the moment? NAH! Don't think so, so 14,357 will be the best that can be hoped for.
  18. Is that why we keep losing?
  19. Who starts all this nonsense and why? The World's economy is not in a strong enough state for reckless investments by billionaires. The super rich like Abromavich have already lost tens of billion dollars of investment value. If the stock market crash continues apace they will be as bankrupt as the rest of us. People on here need to realise that talk of takeovers now is all pie in the sky distraction. We are entering an era of self-sufficiency and standing on our own two feet. We stand or fall by the cash coming in the gate and through sponsorship, end of story. Forget the temptation of caviar and champagne tomorrow and get used to our tried and trusted diet of pie, chips and beer.
  20. Judging by the low turnout on this forum these days averaging 70 (+/-) since the £5 fee was introduced, compared to 300 (+/-) before, need I say more. The worse £5 not spent obviously.
  21. Why waste time and energy on Burley, we all know he's useless and it was a Godsend that Scotland took him off our hands. Hence the chants from fans at the match "Are you Southampton in disguise?" but sung at their OWN team!
  22. Let's face it nobody will have any money in two weeks time when hyper inflation follows the collapse of the economy so it's all flotsam on the ocean of life anyway. We'll need all our focus on growing carrots not offering them!
  23. Fancy seeing a Saints shirt on Walcott in the build up to the BIG game last night. Had it been the Beeb we'd have been censored out. Good old ITV
  24. Saints shares at 22p are a good bet that's 4000 for a grand not bad
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