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Everything posted by StD

  1. Playoffs here we come!
  2. ...Finally coming to ps3 and pc on 30th March. Since getting my ps3 in October, GTA4 has provided me with many hours of entertainment so happy about this! http://www.rockstargames.com/news/2010/01/29/2861/grand_theft_auto_episodes_from_liberty_city_coming_to_playstation_3_and_pc
  3. Also... "MK Dons have been very very professional; Southampton have been very professional, also, and I'm pleased to get this deal done" Wouldn't expect anything less from Cortese... Av that Coleman!
  4. He's a ****, Cashley is a ****. I'm not that interested in their personal lives, just find it hard to support such players. Definately club over country for me. Having said that, they'll probably both be playing for us in a couple of years when we win the Premiership.
  5. This kind of thing goes a long way to explain why I struggle to get excited about watching England play.
  6. Sorry, you must be mistaken, Storrie said there would be no quick-fire sale...
  7. Edit.
  8. Perhaps this is where Gaddafi's son comes in...? 3 goals in 74 for Tripoli.
  9. I interpret "...could be late" as "if we don't sell a player this afternoon, you won't be getting paid tomorrow". I bet that e-mail went down well. I've got a bet on Pompey to finish bottom of the Premiership, if they get wound up, are Betfair likely to pay up??
  10. Even IF we get the playoffs, its far from certain that we will win them - remember there are 3 other teams who have performed similarly well over the season. The players when signing (even Ricky back in August) will have known that playoff victory was an outside possibility and (if we fail) we'll have another better prepared crack at it next year.
  11. I hope you're all paying on credit card, just incase
  12. Confirmed on Crawley's own website as well although no deal agreed... http://www.crawleytownfc.com/newsdetails.php?ID=1413
  13. Thanks - I got done!
  14. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11719_5889206,00.html
  15. Apparently McClaren's Twente were in for him recently... http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11759_5855200,00.html
  16. Apparently he was dropped to the bench for MK Dons last night so they may have known he was on his way? http://www.mk-news.co.uk/mknews/displayarticle.asp?id=479532
  17. I got two MK dons home tickets on two seperate customer number next to each other (I certainly hope!) just last week when it went on restricted general sale.
  18. To be fair, with possible play-offs (along with other big games) not just this year, but also over previous years, I'm suprised at people claiming they've not put a single ticket purchase against a customer number...
  19. You would have to in effect buy tickets for three games - Stockport, P*mpey + one other game linked... not sure any skates have that much stashed in the secret compartment (microwave) of their caravan.
  20. Happy with that personally. The club should also shift a few extra tickets for future games. That phoneline is going to be carnage once linked general sale commences. The requirement to be on the database was probably stipulated by the police to be fair...
  21. This is ironic as Storrie was unhappy over Stoke's James offer both in terms of % of wages and loan fee being offered.
  22. I think the majority of owners don't go into football to make money, but there are clearly much better other options out there currently. I'm expecting Hitler's son to gazump everyone any day soon.
  23. He could buy you, but why would he? Plenty of other clubs with better infrastructure, and (no wind-up intended) a larger fan base. You could buy Newcastle for arguably less than it'll cost to sort out p*mpey.
  24. Ditto... I must live pretty near you, I'm just off Copenhagen St. How about you?
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