This may be of interest to some of you but not to others and read in to it what you will, and make up your own minds.
Lupoli, much to his annoyance, was yet again left on the bench today by Norwich. This was also much to the disgust of a large number of the Canary fan club who were hoping Bryan Gunn would play him in a bid to keep him happy and not jumping ship to a relegation rival. (the final score did dampen the feeling)
During the game, Lupoli went for a warm up and certain sections of the Norwich fans started singing his name, to which the Barnsley fans started their own rendition of "oh when the saints" (not oh when the reds or oh when the tykes) This as you can imagine wasnt greated well by Norwich fans. However this does show the rumours are not confined to just Saints and Norwich.
When Lupoli did come on, Norwich were awarded a penalty to which Lupoli grabbed the ball to take (typical striker, and good to see) but much to his annoyance the ball was taken off of him by Clingan and words were exchanged. At the end of the whistle and after a 4-0 win, it was all smiles at Norwich, except for one particular Italian.......