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Corporate Ho

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Everything posted by Corporate Ho

  1. 1. I wouldn't be too sure about your players "affordable" wages FC. The stories going around from people at your own club is that you've got several of them on around £25K a week and Sharp was reported to hjave signed for at least £20K a week. 2. Still trotting out lies about Pompey's debt being all down to money spent on players and wages when it keeps being pointed out to you that huge chunkls of that debt were actually loaded onto the club by previous owners (£32m was what Fahim agreed to pay for the land around the ground to Gaydamak then loaded the debt onto the club, Chainrai's £17m "debenture" for money that was allegedly loaned to al Faraj, £5m to Fahim and on and on). Then, in your next breath you acknowledge that our owners have saddled us with debt and also agree that it could happen to you. Make your mind up fella Bit disingenuous there Granty. What you say is right but if you're saying that their transfer fees paid their wages that means we had an additional £50m a year from SKY freed up to pay other fees and wages. When you think that we made huge profits on what we paid for not just Johnson but Defoe, Diarra, Muntari, Distin and others somethingh doesn't add up. Interesting distinction Johnnykins. So "Pompey" didn't pay creditors because the parachute payments we were entitled to anyway were used to do it but "Southampton Football Club" did because Liebherr decided to do so. That was down to your good fortune in Liebherr buying you surely? If Pinnacle or some other chancers had bought you the creditors would very likely have had to make do with Xp in the £. The club had nothing to do with it. Nice post. Is that you David? How's the house sales in Thailand going? Ironic you should post this one really, given that you were on here a couple of weeks ago boasting about how you were "trolling up a storm" on POL. Been back recently? In fact, the idiot's post above has made me think about why I post on here anymore. For those of you that didn't see the original, the freak had obviously googled my name and seen a birthday message in the local paper (thankfully it was someone else with the same name and not me) but the original post included this poor guy's wife and kids names. What kind of sick **** posts that on a football messageboard (and well done Granty or whatever mods changed it). It used to be a good laugh posting on here, the banter was really good. But over the past few seasons it's become nastier and nastier. Whatever I post, no-one seems to read the actual content of it (just look at the posts the other day when I pointed out we weren't £180m in debt and that huge chunks of it were down to previous owners saddling the club with their own debts) only to be told my post was moronic. So let's call it a day, shall we. For those of you registered on POL that PM me keep stopping by and saying hello and any others, do the same. As I've said before, you're top of the league on merit and whilst I hope you don't go up, if you do it will be because you've earnt it. I think the fact that none of you have EVER said that about any of Pompey's achievements since I first posted on here tels its own story
  2. Oh Johnnykins, I was having some pasta for lunch but I'll put the pesto aside to answer you. What the **** does it matter? Parachute payments are paid to all relegated clubs so if that's how the football creditors were paid, so what? That's still £20m+ of the CVA that has been paid despite ridiculous comments from your fans saying "not a penny's been paid". As for "ill gotten" - what a crock of ****. Pompey were promoted to the PL on the back of investment from a wealthy owner (Mandaric) just like you were promoted from L1 with backing from Liebherr. Where's the difference and therefore why ill gotten? No it's not. He still double counted Chainrai's money. And it still ignores the other point about how much of the "debt" is not money that was racked up by tranfers and wages but questionable debts loaded onto the club by previous owners But the parts you guys always convniently leave out from the £120m is how much of it is not football related. You keep posting that it was funded by Arkadi yet once Gaydamak pulled away it transpired that it was money loaned from banks and we had to repay £35-£40m. part of the £120m you've loving quoted was the £30m that al Fahim agreed to pay gaydamak for the land around the ground - way above the market value and another debt loaded onto the club (much like the £5m Fahim "loaned" the club to buy itself or the £1.5m owed to al Faraj). Or the £17m "charge" Chainrai has on the ground. None of this is debt the club ahs run up - as you are posting on here. Not to mention the money that was siphoned out of the club by Chainrai and Azougy as confirmed in the piece from The Telegraph linked in Mike Hall's article that someone's posted a link to on here today. If you guys could actually admit to any of this I might have some respect for you but it's all swept aside in your rush to demonise us. As for your comments about Liebherr and not being a million miles from breaking even, if I don't know how do you? We've both had the same set of acounts to look at. the fact is your wage bill in your first year in L1 was £12m+ and that can only have increased (and pobably by a significant sum) you lost £9m (including the whole holding company) that year and had at least £7m to pay to creditors last year. You made a loss to gain pomotion - is that cheating? I se no difference between that and what you accuse us of doing to win the cup
  3. FAF. So you've added £50m current debts onto the original debt figure without realising(although Granty got halfway there) that most of that is debt from the original £120m (£16m for the CVA, Chainrai's mystical £17m). Then of course there's the fact that nearly £60m of the original £120m is "debt" that we supposedly owed to previous owners who loaded it onto the club (e.g the £5m fahim is somehow owed plus £1.5m to al Faraj FFS). If we'd run up debts of £180m on signing players and paying wages then I'd say fair enough and agreed with you. But it's simply wrong. Like the comment abou not paying a penny towards the CVA when we've actually paid £20m+ to the football creditors - and before anyone says anything, they're secured so have o be paid first. It's one thing if you slag us off and you're right but it's ******** like this along with the self reverential back slapping after it that makes me laugh so much FC, where does the £38m debt in the first PL year com from - do you have a link? There's a constant claim on here that mandaric gambled on promotion but of course we did dsell Crouch for around £6m and that money was largely used for our promo push. Again, talking about what we spent on players and wages in the PL before winning the cup (and I'll say again, our wages to turnovr ratio the year we won it were less than yours in your first year in L1 and on a par with most other mid table PL clubs of the time - as were our debts it has to be said). Regarding failing to service the debt, administration in both instances was triggered by external events out of the clubs control. And if you talk about spending beyond your means to gain pomotion I can't see why you're not looking at your own club more. Losses of £9m in your first year in L1, wages to turnover ratio of 86% and hard to see how that wage bill hasn't gone up considerably. Yes, I know, Liebherr's, honourable blah blah blah but the same holds true in that if they'd stopped funding you before now you'd be in trouble. It just smacks of ridiculous double standards
  4. # Think you'll find it wa Plymouth fans who started the idea for this one for us. As for "run up debts of £180m in four years" could you explain how? Or have you just taken the FFP article at face value and not bothered to actually do any sums around it? Saints Web poster in reading something with no basis and repeating it ad nauseum on here until the other posters accept it's an actual fact shock
  5. The obsession with POL banning you lot is stupid. Bill (his name's not Scot you muppets) only used to ban scummers who posted the usual "you skates are ****s" type thread. TBF, your main board does the same so it's not exactly a radical policy. There was a banter forum for you guys to use for a while but all that happened was it got (presumably 14 YO Saints fans) posting u skates r thick posts. You just seem to b getting a bit obsessed with the whole thing and more and more of you ar trying to register and post on there which gets stupid. the guy spends his own time running the site and it's a good forum so i cn understand him banning people who only cause him aggro. There are plenty of saints fans who are members who don't get banned, quite a few who PM me fairly regularly on there so it's not a blanket ban. Plenty on here do and as I said above, quite a few PM me regularly. If you're a member why not do the same? 1. So you think no tickets will be sol between now and Saturday and we'll only have 11K there. Interesting concept. 2. How can Pompey fans stand by and not go? Same reason so many Saints fans didn't go the reason you were releagated I assume. let's not forget your average that season was about 2K more than we're getting this year. [TABLE=class: cms_table] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #0000ff, colspan: 2]Portsmouth[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD]Loss[/TD] [TD=colspan: 2]Ave crowd[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Loss over 8 years[/TD] [TD]£180,000,000[/TD] [TD]18,000[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Average no. Home games per season[/TD] [TD]21[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Loss per game[/TD] [TD]£1,071,428[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Subsidy for each ticket[/TD] [TD]£60[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Subsidy for season for 1 supporter[/TD] [TD]£1,250[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] As for these figures above, do they include TV money because I don't believe we lost an average of £22m a year over the past 8 years.
  6. I thought the term "indicative bid" was generally used as part of an auction process to assess which bid was the strongest? Or was the term just used to indicate that someone was going to make a bid?
  7. If it's an indicative offer wouldn't that suggest that more than one party/ group are interested?
  8. I wasn't "desperate" to get full member status and Colin JB your memories failed you/ you're making things up. If I was desperate to get full member status I'd have sent another fiver. I sent a fiver in an envelope with a post it note attached saying it was from me for membership - largely because posters on here were complaining/ accusing me of not responsing to posts. Presumably it got lost somewhere in the post (or a pikey southampton postman realised there was cash inside and nicked it). As for you Colin, you were on POL the other night being all smarmy and giving it the "I come in peace" line so a bit rich for you to be having a pop at me for posting on here.
  9. Don't you all get tired of being righteously indignant about EVERY little piece of Pompey news? Sitting on your laptops until midnight pontificating about this, theorising about that, analysing to death yet another non - story about a club you tell me you don't care about. I know the picture below must be of one of you - I'm guessing Nick Nack pounding away at his keyboard with another missive about the tentacles of corruption reaching across the football world and people being too scared to expose us. You're top of the league and look like getting promotion, but many of you are posting more about Pompey than your own club. Jeez, that's so ****ed up
  10. Failed to answer why I think Chainrai is a scumbag - that really is a genuine PMSL moment. 27/10/2010 (post 34,942): Saints fans have condemned Pompey fans for laying even part of the blame for our predicament but it's hard not to look at the way Chainrai’s taken over the club and not view it as a scam from start to finish. When Faraj initially tried to buy the club before Fahim the PL were informed that Chainrai was a backer, despite his statement that he'd had no involvement before his mystery loan last October. Chainrai’s plan is to strip the club of whatever he can 27/10/2010 (post 34,949): We owe Chainrai £16m for a loan that one of his companies (Portpin) lent another of his companies (Falcondrone). Andronikou let slip in court that both companies are his. That money never reached the club but was funneled straight back to the BVI. So when Faraj "defaulted" on the "loan" Chainrai got the club. So if he's got the club why should we still owe him the £16m? 19/11/2010 (post 35,384): The whole thing was a con to allow Chainrai and Kushnir to take over with no outlay. The non-payment of the HMRC would therefore seem to have been deliberately orchestrated to push us into admin and allow their takeover with Andronikou's collusion. 23/01/12 (post 48,826): Like Chainrai ever cared anything about the club or did any sort of recruitment drive. We got Kitson and Lawrence because he didn't have to pay for them and didn't care what wages they were on because he wasn't paying. Why would he care? It's like when you lot keep banging on about him "getting his money back" when he never put a penny into PFC in the first place. There’s at least a couple of dozen more examples but I’m assuming you might have got the gist of it by now. Just in case you haven’t, my belief is that Chainrai never did pay a £17m loan to al Faraj. He certainly never paid it to PFC. The money was paid from one BVI based company to another making it impossible to trace. If he has “invested” any money into PFC it was nowhere near £17m and whatever he put in he’s had it back and he’s now trying to squeeze even more out of it. The debenture he claims to hold on the ground should be legally taken away as the charge was applied 3 months after the sale of the club to CSI and no further investment was made that would make such a charge legally binding – even the judge at the recent administration hearing couldn’t understand why Andronikou had granted it. Hope that clears things up
  11. I though that was the motto of this messageboard?
  12. Yes, sorry Dubya but it's very, very busy at the moment getting everything sorted for next Xmas. You know, looking at budgets and that kind of thing. You'd know about that wouldn't you, being the expert on the subject? Remind me, what was CSI's budget again? When was Antonov seen driving that McLaren F1 that he hasn't got in Sandbanks where he doesn't own a house when he'd dropped his interest in Pompey and was going to buy Bournemouth? Jeez, Dubya, I've got to hand it to you, you're one clued up fella. Never been known to get anything wrong have you? Or should that be never known to get anything right?* Talking about Barbie, are you referring to your much younger Polish girlfriend again? Well done for going a whole post without mentioning golf though. Quick question for the experts/ investigative geniuses on here (you can sit this one out then Dubya) - what's going to happen to Pompey? Are we "toast" or will someone buy us? You're the experts so I assume you know the answer. After all, like Dubya, none of you has ever been wrong on the subject so far, have you? *I had to try desperately hard not to type PMSL at this point
  13. ROTFPMSL. And you talk about me missing the point of the thread. Jeeeeeeeesus Nick Nack talk about "still not getting it". Did you not read the Judge's comments in court on Friday? Then you start posting stuff like this. "If it wasn't for Chainrai's money we'd be gone forever". You really, really, realy, really, really don't get what's been going on at Fratton at all do you? Investigative geniuses, all of you. Hopefully us, especially if the Judge's comments about Chainrai's debenture being suspect is proven and we lose £17m of the "debt" that I've been saying to you all along shouldn't have been debt at all. You're a bit of a pest Johnnykins but leaving the pest aside, I shouldn't gloat too much. Things can change awfully quickly in football and whilst things look good for you at the moment they might not be that way forever. Come back on POL posing as a Pompey fan again and give us all a laugh
  14. Glad you're coming around to the idea that the club has suffered at the hands of the chancers who have owned it. It's taken you long enough to agree with what I've been saying but well done for finally coming out in agreement. Ref your line about Portsmouth being one of the most deprived areas in the country, you seem ill informed. According to the lastest government stats Portsmouth is listed as being number 23 on the list of deprived areas, one spot above Southampton. having said that, if you sort the data to show the rank of % of each city's population living in deprived circumstances Southampton is 86th compared to Portsmouth's 93rd. Funny how wrong you constantly are on this board for such self proclaimed geniuses http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/mar/29/indices-multiple-deprivation-poverty-england
  15. I believe Ronaldo's on about a million a week with Real but what does the wages paid by other clubs to their players have to do with Pompey? Unless you're suggesting Pompey paid Campbell £100K a week? But you do only own half of your training gound
  16. Clappers, the best thing that happened on Friday was us getting an administrator other than Andronikou and the judge questioning Chainrai's debenture and secured status. All the time Chainrai had control of the club (via Andronikou) we were only ever going to see chancers and dodgy characters as potential buyers because the price being asked was completely unrealistic. Now we have someone independent at the helm there's at least a chance we'll find a buyer. Let's face it, Chainrai's offer of £500K if he was allowed to appoint AA told its own story.
  17. Hello investigative geniuses. I've been away for the weekend and just got back so need updating As you are the oracle for all things Pompey related can you tell me if anyone will buy the club now or are we "toast"? Thanks in advance
  18. Problem is Granty at present there's nothing to prevent any club owner racking up debt by signing players or loading debt onto a club and then walking away leaving the club broke and himself as a secured creditor with no risk. Sporting sanctions and points penalties mean nothing to people like Chainrai. What do they care if the club's docked points or are relegated? They still have their snouts in the trough One idea that's come up on POL is for anyone buying a club needing to deposit enough funds into an escrow account overseen by the FA/ FL to guarantee it can at least see out the season or possibly even two seasons. Another idea would be to make any owners personally responsible for any debt incurred at a club whilst they were there. Both good ideas but neither will happen as out governing bodies seem toothless
  19. OK, let's put the "our team was fiull of kids" myth to bed once and for all. On of your posters (Chez?) posted the following appearances by your "kids". [TABLE=width: 165] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, width: 156, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Bartosz Bialkowski [/TD] [TD=width: 64, bgcolor: transparent, align: right]3[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Nathan Dyer [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]4[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Simon Gillett [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]27[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Oscar Gobern [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]6[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Lee Holmes [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]11[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Lloyd James [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]41[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Oliver Lancashire [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]11[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Kayne McLaggon [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]7[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Joseph Mills [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]8[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Lee Molyneux [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]4[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Matthew Paterson [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]11[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Alex Pearce [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]9[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Tomas Pekhart [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]9[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Jordan Robertson [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]10[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Ryan Smith [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]13[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Jake Thomson [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]10[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Jamie White [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]3[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: transparent][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent]Total[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]187[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Jack Cork [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]23[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Adam Lallana [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]40[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]David McGoldrick [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]46[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Morgan Schneiderlin [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]30[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl65, bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2]Andrew Surman[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: transparent, align: right]44[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I've taken some of them out of the "kid list" because Surman was already established in the first team, Lallana was already breaking into it the season before, Cork was a loan, Scheiderlin cost £1m and McGoldrick was already 22 and had played in the first team fairly regularly two years before. So none of these were "kids" that you were forced to play out of desperation or cost cutting. That leaves players making a total of 187 appearances. Of those, Lee Holmes was a player you signed that summer by outbidding Leeds & Pekhart and Robertson were loans. So, not exactly "kids" bumped up from your youth team any more than some of the loan players we've played over the last couple of seasons. Taking those out of the equation gives you what I'd agree in calling "kids" a total of 157 appearances across the season. Now, I'm assuming many of these appearances were as sub but we'll count them anyway. That means out of a total possible players across the season of 672 (11 starting and 3 subs across 46 league and 2 cup games) your "kids" made up a total of 23% of the total players you played. Or to put it another way, your team averaged 2.5 "kids" per game. Not exactly the youth team you try to portray, is it?
  20. FC, I wrote on here yesterday that Chinri's charge was originally against "Oldco". The charge was transferred to "Newco" a month or so after the new company was formed and hasn't invested any money into the business since. The question, therefore, must be is Chainrai's charge over the club valid. I asked if anyone could comment on that and was hoping Clapham might be around to do so. haven't seen a reply yet. I don't need to provide a link, you just posted one. If you'd actually read my post in it I say at the bottom that he hasn't put a penny into the club. have another look. Not quit sure what you're were trying to do here, unless you were actually trying to look like an idiot "Expert Ghostwriters"? PMSL The issue here is that if Chainrai gets control of the club again not only will the creditors receive little or nothing of their actual debt as UHY will look to renegotiate the CVA but that means the club will die anyway as he slowly but surely bleeds anything of value out of it. Without the CVA to service (certainly at i's curren levels) the parachute payments will be available to Chainrai to do what he wants with. That's why there's the opposition towards UHY being appointed as administrators. If independnt administrators can be appointed then there's a decent chance we'll find a buyer as a reasonable purchase price could probably be negotiated. That's no going to happen under Chainrai.
  21. I may have called you a bed wetting conspiracy theorist but certainly not over that point as that’s been my stance all along. And where’s the contradiction? Chainrai wants £17m for the club – that’s the price he agreed with CSI and the price Andronikou kept quoting. What he wants and what he’s actually owed aren’t necessarily the same thing at all – so where’s the contradiction? As for the point about him selling Fratton for £3-£4m – there’s nothing stopping him but as I’ve already covered the risks to him in doing so several times (including in my previous post today) I can’t be bothered to type it all out again. Go back and look at my previous post. The point is, he may want £17m but he’s not going to get it so if someone offers him more than the £3-£4m Fratton might net him, why wouldn’t he take it? Which is what I’ve been saying ever since CSI went into administration See above for reply on Fratton. As for administration, where in the post did I say that only Chainrai could put us into admin? I did ask for any of the geniuses on here to explain why Chainrai’s charge might not be valid. No-one’s replied so I assume you need it explaining. It may be that a court will find that it is valid. However, there’s a very real chance they won’t as the charge is one that was transferred from Oldco to Newco and as Chainrai hasn’t actually made any investment into Newco it would appear that he may not have the legal right to put us into administration. Anyone (Clapham?) care to comment on that point? Interesting if true, where did that come from. Also interesting because Falcondrone was Faraj’s company so if Chainrai so if Chainrai has been paying Pompey money from it that means he recovered the £17m he “loaned” to Faraj and chose to re-invest it in PFC. Which in my book means he’s not “owed” any money at all, he just made a bad business decision Why is it strange? I said that Chainrai never paid a penny for Kitson and Lawrence but that they were PX/ makeweights in the deal when Wilson went to Stoke. We received money from Stoke plus the two players. How does that contradict what I wrote? Ooh, a half millionaire. There can’t be many of those around. Oh, wait a minute – practically anyone who owns a house is a half millionaire these days – including me. PMSL Great e – petition though Tony. Any feedback from the Conseratives yet?
  22. So you “predicted” yet another thing that didn’t happen. There’s a surprise. Chainrai didn’t gamble on anything last season because he didn’t put a penny into the club. The only reason we signed Kitson and Lawrence is because they were in PX for Wilson – no money required. Do you really think he’s going to get his hands on the parachute payments? Even if some are advanced to keep us going can you really see HMRC or the FL allowing him to take them? You’re in a dream world. As long as the club’s alive it needs funding. Chainrai hasn’t put money in and doesn’t want to start now. PMSL. People often say this to me on here but really you lot “STILL DON’T GET IT” do you? There was no £17m investment. It’s all been a con, a way for Chainrai and Kushnir to make money from nothing. His loan wasn’t to PFC in the first place; it was to Ali al Faraj (or rather his company Falcondrone). Leaving aside the question why Chainrai would loan £17m to someone he didn’t know, don’t you think he seemed very laissez faire when this man defaulted on the repayments just a month or so later? Don’t you think his reaction in saying “OK, no problem, I’ll just take over the football club instead” to be slightly odd? Don’t you think it’s odd that he didn’t pursue al Faraj for repayment? Don’t you think it’s odd that despite apparently sitting on a £17m pile of cash that he got for nothing that al Faraj is still working in a bank? On behalf of everyone on POL I’d like to thank Tony Seaton for giving us one of the biggest laughs in ages with his e petition. I mean, apart from seeming to think that Penny Mordaunt is asking for PFC to be let off paying the tax we owe rather than just giving us more time to pay. In addition, his comedy levels of literacy (“Bussiness”, “thier”,”treasurary” “conserative”) must have impressed whoever collates these e petitions at government level. We’re thinking of starting our own e petition to improve the evident poor standards of literacy in Southampton schools and suggesting that a foundation be set up – “The Derek Zoolander & Tony Seaton Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too” Missing some key points here I’m afraid. It seems pretty unlikely administration will be granted and that’s going to have Chainrai in a panic. HMRC will definitely challenge it and more to the point (and something you seem to have missed on here – amazingly given that you’re investigative geniuses) is whether Chainrai’s charge that would allow him to put us into administration is valid. I’ll let you discuss that one amongst yourselves before explaining why. As we’ve debated (at length) before, liquidation is a nightmare for Chainrai. No funds from player sales, no parachute payments, all he’s left with is Fratton Park. Now admittedly he could land bank it and try and wait out PCC’s opposition to building on the site but PCC have already stated that if a phoenix club is formed it should play at Fratton so he runs the risk of PCC buying the site via a CPO valued by independent agents, not one of his lapdogs. (and before anyone, once again rants on about why PCC would do this please take the time to read the PCC document I posted a link to a few pages back which outlines the situation in some detail, along with the possibility of them performing a CPO on Gaydamak’s land – I’m not making things up, it’s all in the document). So, Chainrai really is between a rock and hard place. He’s not going to get £17m for the club, any potential buyers know he’s over a barrel and he has a week to do something about it. Whether a buyer will come in or not I don’t know but it sure is fun seeing the **** squirm after all he’s done to the club. Personally, I think the application to put us into admin will buy us a week or two while the courts consider it before throwing it out and then he needs to sell or roll the dice on keeping Fratton for its land value.
  23. Fair market value is the phrase though, isn't it? The problem up until now is that Gaydamak has been asking for way in excess of fair market value. If PCC buy it via a CPO they could then sell it on to the club at fair market value. The Tesco scheme that was planned involved moving/ rotating the stadium so the whole area is required. Gaydamak can’t sell direct to Tesco as the whole space is required and PCC would block any proposal that didn’t involve stadium redevelopment anyway. This is all covered in the PCC planning document I posted a few days back, including the CPO option. Why not actually read it before having a pop at me I’m not lying and you’re talking ********. The David Conn article that I’ve posted God knows how many times before shows that in the year we won the cup our wages to turnover ratio was 76% at £54.7m, the same ballpark ratio as Villa, Blackburn, Bolton, Fulham, Boro, Newcastle & West Ham – or most mid table PL clubs if you prefer. Our turnover that year was £70.5m which is considerably more than most of those clubs, partly due to our cup run and partly due to the fact that our ticket prices were a lot higher than many Northern clubs who need to offer lower prices due to more competition from other clubs in their area. Our debt level was also in line with many of those clubs and actually considerably less than some of them. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/jun/03/english-premier-league-debt On the subject of Sol Campbell’s wages, the link below (which again I’ve posted several times before) clearly shows that he was on nowhere near £100K a week, as you and others on here keep claiming and that we did pay his FA Cup bonus so could afford it at the time. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/portsmouth/7028987/Sol-Campbell-sues-Portsmouth-for-1.7m-as-club-loses-tax-appeal.html 1. You’re a thickie. Read my post above ref the CPO. FYI it’s Gaydamak’s land they’re talking about for the CPO, not Fratton Park. But as I’ve said before, it’s all detailed in the PCC planning document I posted a couple of days ago. Please read it thoroughly before commenting again. 2. See the link above to the David Conn article. Yes we had debts (in line with most PL clubs) but running into your third point, the transfer fees we received, even allowing for agents fees etc along with £50m a year from SKY should have been more than enough to pay debts down to very manageable levels and avoid admin. The question then is what happened to those transfer fees and SKY money and how did the debts increase rather than come down? The only answer is someone took that money out of the club.
  24. I've already explained it. Take a look a couple of pages back. PCC have outlined this land and stated they're willing to explore the option of a CPO to reunite it with the club and allow the stadium to be redeveloped. If we last that long Life's been cruel to you, hasn't it? It's like reading a Milan Kundera novel Why is it that despite having it pointed out to you countless times that you keep on about player wages and say we couldn't afford them on our gates? You always (conveniently) forget that the year we won the cup, our turnover was £70m because the SKY deal was pumping nearly £50m a year into our coffers. Gate revenue was of realtively little importance. Even then our gate revenue was far greater than many similar sized PL clubs from the north as our ticket prices were way above theirs. As for where our problems stemmed from, I'd suggest it comes not from transfer fees or wages we paid but more to do (as PFC and I have pointed out before) on where the transfer fees and SKY monies disappeared to - along with owners being allowed to loan debt onto the club and then walk away still legally owed millions despite bankrupting us
  25. Christ, for investigative genius' who journalists run to for advice (pmsl) you really do miss some big ones, don't you. Try Shlomo Narkis, Yoram Yossifoff, Ron Maneh, Marc Rich, Pierre Falcone, Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, Lev Leviev. All these names have been discussed at length on Pompey Online and in articles written by various Pompey fans for sites such as 200 Percent.
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