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timbatop's Achievements

  1. Having no insight of any kind .... suggestion for what could have happened here: Marsch signed a 3 year deal at Leeds, 2 years ago. Rumoured to be worth £15M, ie £5M/ year. With 2 years left to run, it's possible that he's in line for the remaining £10M. It's possible there's a clause that they don't have to pay if he gets another job. It's understandable that Saints are unwilling to pay that off before committing to a new contract for him, and understandable that he wouldn't walk away from £10M for a 6 month deal worth (£2M?).
  2. wow - so after filing in two different sign up forms, dealing with a ton of broken links (did they do any testing on this site?!) I've paid my money and... the stream is cutting in and out every 5 seconds. This is a horrible service!
  3. it's not working for me - it says: "Player has received an empty RTMP URL." and that, after a completely inept sign-up form. What a joke!
  4. 'manifestly fair derision that the current regime faces'.... and every other regime faces, because people on this board will clearly be negative about any regime... oh - other than our great saviour Wilde - great call! The sad fact is that our current problems are far greater than any board can deal with: a fundamental mismatch between revenues in the Championship & the costs of St Mary's & running an even half-way respectable team. Only a significant cash infusion will save us from that problem... we could have Steve Jobs or Peter Kenyon or anyone else in charge of the business side, but until we get the cash - nothing is likely to be different. All this moaning about firing Pearson is completely futile... the fact is we couldn't afford him or his well-paid journeymen squad. We dont have the money. We dont have the money. Stop moaning about ifs and buts.
  5. it makes me despair that every time the club faces a crisis the rally call is 'sack the board'... as if that will result in a rich/ experienced/ capable replacement... in reality it results in management disarray, team instability and a whole lot of cost. to change now would be certain relegation.
  6. in comparing those managers, you have to take into account the quality of the squads they had to work with. Some of those managers had half-decent premiership squads, and all had significantly more expensive squads. To be getting ~1 point per game while having a squad's average age of 20 or so is not terrible in my book!
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