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About Penfold

  • Birthday 20 August

Penfold's Achievements

  1. I know of at least 9 of us mates coming from Jersey, and then there will be the other usuals, so I think there wil be at least 25 of us.
  2. Well said. Couldnt agree more
  3. Lowe will be gone by the end of the week
  4. i have heard that too
  5. Yes seen him play and he is very good. Defiantely one to watch for the future
  6. http://www.jerseyinsight.com/news_1.aspx?id=0:11710&news=2:1874
  7. Could you post them here as I cannot get facebook at work?
  8. Spa franocchamps(sp) has to be the best F1 race track there is though. Especially as there is always the threat of rain
  9. Amen
  10. Cant believe Lowelife is still using PR plant. Just sums him up.
  11. My finger hurts
  12. rule 1 of said arse
  13. My 1 month old son has a bigger pen!s than you
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