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Everything posted by S4INT

  1. I miss Roger...
  2. S4INT

    Dave Jones

    I'm pleased that a good man is doing well
  3. S4INT


    Get The Flannels Out For Marcus?
  4. Interesting... coming back same day? Room for a little 'un who'd pay petrol money?
  5. Then again - anyone know what parking's like? I could give 3 people a lift up from (and back to) Notts too if I went...?
  6. Even from Nottingham the prices are ridiculous - travel alone would be about £60. I really want to go but as a student that would screw me...
  7. The goalkeeping for the 2nd/3rd goal was horrible - it's like he wasn't allowed to use his hands...
  8. I ****ing love Nigel Adkins - he is a bloody hero. That Rickie fella is alright -happy happy days
  9. How would one go about collecting such a ticket?
  10. Dive for me - and I was sat in perfect view in the Chapel. Ball got away from him after he 'beat' the keeper so he did the only thing he thought he could to get something out of the moment
  11. Sorry for the forum-clogging... I was a bit slow on the draw for getting tickets for Palace so would be happy to pay in full for a pair if anyone in the London region has any that I could collect? Many thanks, BC
  12. Gambia is a lovely place - I think I may well have left some Saints memorabilia there last time I was there but I don't think it was to that guy! Great stuff though
  13. Get the **** in
  14. S4INT

    Nigel Adkins

    Firstly, we are fantastically lucky to have him as manager. Deals with the game so well in this league. Secondofall, does anyone know his W-D-L statistics since he has been manager of the club? They must be pretty impressive...
  15. That's smashing
  16. An odd one - when I met Wayne when he was playing for Saints he couldn't have been a nicer, more friendly guy... maybe he's just lost his enthusiasm with it all
  17. That was the snot...not Adkins
  18. Moment of the day...
  19. The thing that gives me hope in this world is that when wassocks like Dune post tripe like this that at least the brilliant set of people that most Southampton fans are say something and back up Adkins and Bart. We are top of the league - absolutely miles above where I expected us to be and mounting a very very realistic challenge to go up. I look forward to us putting up a massive fight against Pompey, and I'm sure if Bart has to step up he'll have a stormer (a la Wolves back in the day). Here's to our one of our longest serving players, the management team, and most intelligent Southampton fans. You're all top people. :]
  20. Dune. Please stop being such a twerp your entire life.
  21. What this man said. Unfortunate position for him. Is he our longest serving player at the club and think how little he plays. Apparently very good in training - I'm sure that if he was needed for a string of games that he'd pull it out the bag and be a good keeper. As a goalkeeper myself I was actually impressed that he got himself together after the goal to claim a cross and keep going for the rest of the match. Clearly made a mental decision to put it behind him after it had happened. I guess I'd just say I'm still a Bart fan and I hope we keep him. I'd be happy for him to play regularly based on what I know of him so far after Kelvin has to retire
  22. Oh goodness - take THAT essay deadline you massive hero
  23. 17 in a row - that is SUPERB. Yes Nigel you beautiful beautiful man
  24. Nun-tastic
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