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Everything posted by harwellsaint

  1. only 2 were the worst? is one not enough? for that alone he should be shot, i guess you do not have kids of your own then, i hope you are being ironic or similar otherwise you are a c##t
  2. good work fella, will defo buy one , really miss the fanzine reckon i aint alone so you may well be onto a winner. good luck
  3. i have been battered on here for whinging about ball on crest, the old one was ace, this is a step up, please make this happen. thank you thank you. ps i dont care if i am sad
  4. wallsal, top day on the source culminating on the train back to brum,stopped at station full of villa fans and as the doors opened villa fans were greeted by train full of saints singing" youre not getting on, youre not getting on, youre not getting,youre not getting, youre not getting on!" priceless
  5. or expected attendance
  6. hope some of the keyboard tapping/dont attend games brigade read this, spot and indeed on!
  7. take my six year old most home games always a pint in the king alfred , no worries
  8. green man was tops!
  9. he was well great that bloke, no wonder your megazane wont boost, your grandma is torrible
  10. why do people always end up bleating, just a saints fan trying to help out fellow saints
  11. what block are we in? alfred tomorrow?
  12. slaphead dinage is feeling tonight, not bragging on the news now mr cuprinol!
  13. shame fanzines are not around anymore, used to love getting on the march for a good laugh, much more fan related,but as with this its tinternet now,shame uts
  14. well done lads, to do that after losing to that lot in the cup, of which was harsh, was so encourging, one team in hampshire, a proud saint!
  15. that my freind is pure gold, i doth my cap and if allowed will try to start that in the itchen!
  16. this needs an official answer as i dont think my nerves will hold out, otherwise hip flask it is
  17. i might buy two, just because we can!
  18. what the hell did you do to my brother? still could be worse could have been me!
  19. would you let me s##t in it? hope this helps uts
  20. how about hes fat hes bent his bell is up for rent
  21. so who's up for the greatest p;';take ever, monopoly money at the ready!
  22. so was that reply
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