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Everything posted by seano

  1. Looking for one ticket for a friend who i was unable to buy for today due to a mix up with customer numbers. If anyone has a spare i can offer you not only my thanks but also free parking in my drive for the day - i live less than 10minutes walk from wembley park station on a very quiet, safe road. Most places in wembley charge around £20 for parking for the day. dont have pms so email me if you can help. cheers. seano_1_5@hotmail.com
  2. Anybody driving to the match? I live in wembley but due to being a student way up north i have neither a season ticket nor did i make either area final. If anyone thinks they would be able to obtain two tickets for me they can park on my drive for the day (for free of course). Its less than 10minute walk from mine to wembley park station with the torch and another pub on the way and then 5 minutes or so from there to the stadium. I know i probably could get tickets on general sale, but this way someone can save the £20 or whatever fee that all the car parks charge.
  3. i will also walk to wembley because i live in wembley. very simples.
  4. Was that the place just up from the tube station across the road from the torch? if so its been knocked down and is now being turned into a school. The torch isnt a bad boozer - plenty of space with the garden and seating outside and probably the closest 'big' pub to the stadium.
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