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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. I stayed silent, the gesture from Long with his hand wave suggested to me that he was saying f--- off. To me, it wasn't just booing but some of the fans really turned against the team with their shouts and language, first time for years.
  2. There are loads of complaints about this, it changed when the tax disc became extinct. The tax is cancelled when ownership is changed and the new owner has to tax it before they use it, yours being an unusual case of the car remaining in the family, it would have been best to do it at the end of a month. The question has been raised just how much money DVLA make out of this legal scam but quite simply the road tax cannot be transferred to a new keeper. A rip off thats need changing but will probably never happen.
  3. In other words, he bottled the challenge.
  4. And to think the Solent traffic news reported delays getting in to Pompey were due to the match tonight, I was expecting 20k.
  5. He is superb and gave a captains performance yesterday, IMO took the second half by the scruff of the neck and made sure we won it. Killer was great also but in the "alehouse days" big John McGrath was a giant, different era admittedly.
  6. ls, we have never seen how Pied fits in, is he better than Martina, serious injury before we had the chance to him play.
  7. I think he has pushed Targett back a place.
  8. We need someone with a bell to lead the singing (Joke)
  9. Pedro


    I've never replied to one of your posts before but you really should give it a break and "support" another team. We played OK, some players had an off day but we were beaten by a better team, a team that's had multi millions spent on it with huge wages. Their fan singing "we've won it all" when they should be singing "we've bought it all" Haven't they just beaten Man U 4-0. Well done Saints, we can't win them all.
  10. None, once they're gone they've gone, never return to the scene of the crime.
  11. So 21,000 plus in 3 sides is still better than there maximum capacity
  12. They want to be back where they belong, already there and hopefully staying put,
  13. Thank you, all booked.
  14. The Sport options trip from Southampton Airport has been cancelled due to lack of interest, can anyone help me please by suggesting an alternative. Would like to travel on the morning of the game and return Friday but anything will be considered.
  15. I hope he stays, what puzzles me is Fonte, denied a move in the summer and yet has stayed on the bench for the Europas, is he happy or has he been promised a move for not spitting his dummy out.
  16. He'll stay at Manu and get back in the team when JM goes, will Jose survive past January?
  17. He'll stay at Manu and get back in the team when JM goes, will Jose survive past January?
  18. Are the fans singing Puels name yet, I think he is exceeding most peoples expectations.
  19. Are the fans singing Puels name yet, I think he is exceeding most peoples expectations.
  20. Good to hear, I was too late to book for the Milan trip but have booked their package for Sparta.
  21. Pedro


    So how long before Puel's name being sung. Whateve individual opinions are he is getting results, just imagine if we had Moyes instead.
  22. Is this day return still available?
  23. SISU sends shivers down down my spine, when I see people complaining about the Liebherrs, I wonder just what type of owners they wish for.
  24. Early season pressure on so many managers, really gong to heat up in the run up to Christmas.
  25. Pedro

    Injury Watch

    Any injury news on Tadic, he went back on the field at the final whistle with an ice pack on his right knee.
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