1,421 -
Everything posted by doubleonothing
Can't believe that HMRC would go for that. Not in the public purse interest.
Would they be able to do an MK Dons and take the existing clusb league position or would they have to do an Aldershot and start off in the lower leagues? OOO
Feel sorry for those fans who realise that the club has done wrong, the club has for want of a better word "cheated". But for those who are still claiming that they are hard done by and that the club is innocent no. No sympathy for them. Sympathy for the charities and the schools who have been swindled instead! I accept that the fans have done nothing wrong, but they like all the other clubs who have had points deducted have to accept it and hope that the future will bring better times. OOO
How on earth can they think they are going to get into Europe. They have cheated!! They are not getting in!! How they think that they are getting a raw deal from the Prem I do not know. What are they going to think when the FL get hold of them? Only difference is that it has happened before in the FL so there is precedence! C'mon HMRC. Extinguish what little hope they have!! OOO
0.674 where I am! Now I feel valued! To the polling station!! OOO
Labour's "Vote Lib Dem" is an interesting one. OOO
Cheers! All advice is appreciated so if anyone else has any plaese post it! I'm not overly worried about it apart from the timescale involved! OOO
I've been asked to be Best Man and my mate's wedding in July. It all seems to be happening quite short notice! Has anyone got any advice having been best man previously. Priority things to get done would be appreciated! Cheers OOO
(Apollogies if already posted) According to the echo http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/8135095.Saints_keen_on_Black_Cat_Roy_/ Seem to remember he wasn't too bad against us but can't recall him being to spectacular. OOO
Has anyone got Football Manager 2010 Handheld for the i-phone? Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts having played it and is it worth getting? Does it dramatically reduce any productivity in your life? OOO
Nail + head + hit
Not at all. But look at how it was when they got in and you'll see it was better off than it is now. Look at the farce that was the dome! And perhaps someone can explain how mandleson is still around and a lord?
Labour iherited a strong economy from the conservatives. They were happy to oversee the good times and spend while it was good. They failed to save for when the bubble burst and when it did they had nothing. Gordon oversaw this. He failures to take measures before hand and look where it got him. And as I said last week look at how he sold off the gold reserves at one of the lowest ever prices!!
Clegg is no substance, no policy. All he can do is spk direct to the person answering the question. He really isn't there tonight. Gordon brown ruined the economy so how he can claim he knows how to solve it is beyond me. 13 years of failure!!
Up in London at the mo. They've got some things on today and some more Shakespeare related ones. Think there's a concert in trafalgar square this weekend. Also the st georges game at twickenham. Happy st georges day. OOO
Might see if I can get odds on clegg saying "old parties" in next weeks. Bit if a catchphrase for him.
Didn't they cover this last week? Gordon's mouth dropping thing still amuses me.
Does cleggs "volcanic" count in the volcano bet?
Wonder if Gordon's got any more rehearsed lines like his bath one?