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Everything posted by thefunkygibbons

  1. After getting 2 at Hull, once of the best defensive teams in the League, I now believe Up we will go
  2. A draw or a West Ham loss Promotion first and foremost
  3. No one likes change and no one wants to pay more for any product However, if we accept that if people want to drink themselves silly, they can do so, then the answer has to be reduce the harm to other people, that is, zero tolerance to drunk drivers, casual violence, assaulting public servants (such as A&E nurses) and enforce the laws on being drunk and disorderly And charge people for medical services such as ambulences and A&E
  4. We should play to win, no excuses, no lifting the foot off the peddle
  5. Saints and two other teams, I don't give a monkeys about
  6. For years, we had it as a poster on the back of the toilet wall
  7. A boring nil nil draw will do nicely
  8. The Sprit Carries on - Dream Theater
  9. Personally, I am worried about Southampton
  10. thefunkygibbons


    Indeed, I found another £17k for a second bit of the cherry at the end of the day I am now sitting on a small paper loss on my portfolio and a much larger paper loss on my SIPP However, it is a long term game
  11. thefunkygibbons


    My paper profits on GKP have all disappeared but I knew it would be a wild ride I bought a further £20k worth today, but I bought too soon and these are in loss too Nevermind
  12. With Reading right behind us, we need to go out and grind out every game No easy games left
  13. I can feel the warm breath of the chasing packs on the back of the neck
  14. thefunkygibbons


    I still expect GKP to go up 3 fold from here The reasons are - Drill results expected soon from major fields - Passing of Oil & Gas law in KRG - Entry onto main LSE FTSE market soon - Progession into FTSE 100 thereafter - Bidding war bewteen oil majors, probably Exxon and Sinopac to take over GKP It may take longer than some people hope, but having read around the subject a lot, GKP is probably the route to invest in one of the largest as yet untapped oil discoveries
  15. thefunkygibbons


    The 11% fall is small compared to recent rises However, it was a MM bear raid designed to liberate shares from the impatient to meet large ii orders GKP is not one for widows and orphans, but the investment case is based around the long term takeover value and that is based on the OIP, not the individual SP movements on a given day
  16. thefunkygibbons


    Classic MM raid on GKP shares today I have bought twice today, but I am all done, no more money to put in
  17. Good to see that we are keeping the faith
  18. To God be the Glory - Franny Crosby The Servant King - Graham Kendrick and given it is Southampton Issac Watts - When I survey the Wonderous Cross
  19. Don't plan on reading it I have a brain, you see
  20. I fully support the idea of a minimum price Alcohol consumption is a problem and the obnly way to deal with it is to restrict availability and increase price Full disclosure: TFG = TT
  21. I do not know this young girl just a link from another forum, but her story deserves wider publication Today though, I am appealing on behalf of an 11yr old girl who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 (High-Risk) Neuroblastoma, a very rare, aggressive and difficult to treat form of childhood cancer. Fewer than 100 children in the UK are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year, most of which are below the age of 5 and generally have a better prognosis as the older the child is the worse the prognosis is. The NHS don't have a treatment that can help in this relapsed case, giving her less than a 10% chance of survival however treatment in the states costs 500k and is required urgently. Her family have sold their home and posessions and have prepared a very good website to raise funds. The fund is 65% there but time is of the essence This must be every parents worse nightmare and we can all help a little. Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal. Please see the attached link. Thanks Paul. The Neuroblastoma Alliance - Vanessa Riddle Appeal. http://www.justgiving.com/vanessa-appeal
  22. Back in 3rd by a long way again
  23. Haha Plastic WHU fan did not know the difference between Nolan and Noble
  24. Could not get a Hammers fan at work to take a token £1 bet Something to do with Noble not playing Hope he is right
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