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Everything posted by thefunkygibbons

  1. just send £10 (last 2 minutes) but no name attached so it was me
  2. At the top level, you are always looking for the extra 1% If such practices provide it, then it is worthwhile
  3. and now some players please
  4. woot! Small hoot of joy
  5. Its only money Surely a handshake would do?
  6. ITK
  7. Fingers crossed Long term term being looked after - that is what we want to hear
  8. This is all too confusing Wake me up when it is done
  9. small glimmer of hope That is enough for me, because it is better than the alternative
  10. no wonder it was running so slow
  11. Patience is a virtue why? Because so few people have it
  12. Sounds like the final haggle and when the dust settles we will have a firm foundation to build on
  13. Why? Because he is a famous tightwad And you know how to make a small fortune in football? Start with a large one
  14. How can you not be a fan of Beckett? Shame
  15. hmm, down over 50% over the last year However, looking at events in the banking world, one has to price in the risk of bankruptcy into the shares Not worth buying an an investment, sentimental value only
  16. Well deserved, his on field presence is invaluable
  17. And the Times today has us 20th I was depressed after the high of the game against the Hammers
  18. Great game overall The playing of the ball to feet was a joy to see at St Marys Killer was showing flashes of his old self, and in a few weeks will be invincible I am so much more confident about this season now
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