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Everything posted by thefunkygibbons

  1. The tax position is as above Someone is mixing this issue up with compensation rules, which in some cases of unfair dismissal mean that the amount can be reduced if a person gets a job quickly and therefore has mitigated their losses However, this does not apply to redundancy as such compensation is a mixture of statutory and contractual entitlement
  2. Spent 3 years in the UAE in the 90's Throw yourself into the real society not the British club enclaves
  3. No If you think they make super profits, buy shares in them
  4. My musical tastes are prog rock and prog metal Yet, my favourite song in not a 20 minutes prog epic it is Midnight train to Georgia by Gladys Knight and the Pips
  5. Not really Probably earning less overall But I have always saved so this downturn is reducing the amount I save but is not making any difference to my day to day life Simples really, from an early age I always made sure I spent less that I earned and over theyears as salary has increased my spending has increased at a slower rate so as to open a buffer
  6. For a wonderful chilled evening, the lebanese restaurants in old Dubai, just up from the abras (little boats) over looking the water are hard to beat Loads of sisha smoking
  7. All I will say is that I did not enjoy the game
  8. No, I would not settle for a point if it was 3-0 against and we were 10 minutes into added time No surrender
  9. "The term “Intercreditor Agreement” seems to imply more than one creditor. Assuming PCC is one, who would the other(s) be? PFA? REL? Have they signed anything? " An intercreditor agreement is a contract between more than one creditor that sets out who has priority in the case of default In most businesses the bank first, other secured creditors next and then everyone else. Of course, the law about employees, tax payments also intervene However, I would expect a big argument behind the scenes with each party saying they will not put their money in unless they are top creditor
  10. Yoghurt Never ate it until in my mid 30s Now, natural greek yoghurt with granola is my favourite comfort food
  11. I think the main opportunity in bonds has already passed, so great care is needed However, if you are going to buy some, then ensure that you hold them to maturity otherwuise you are at risk of a capital loss With that sort of money, may be better in a low cost bond fund rather than trying to do it yourself
  12. Completely unrelated, lazy reporting But some injuries in Russia including people blinded by the light Personally, I would be worried about man eating plants if I were them
  13. The usual - snacks and all substitutes for snacks It is quite a list
  14. Start with cheaper low maintenance fish, such as cichlids so you get used to them before moving onto high maintenance species Also, get a water testing kit so you can test the quality of the water
  15. Expect nothing so anything will be a bonus
  16. Crawling slowly away from the drop zone Needs some points from the next four and those will be tough games
  17. Done
  18. In life, you get what you pay for
  19. Ultimately, their downfall is due to debt - carry too much and eventually your options narrow really fast
  20. Van Morrison at The Mayflower many years back Grumpy old git he needs reminding who the paying customers are
  21. I am spoiling the wife for February half term Long weekend in Oslo Should I bring the mankini?
  22. Those numbers have been doing the rounds, BUT, they are the US numbers
  23. Surely starting to regulate price to stop deals where alcohol is cheaper than water is focusing on abuse? Minimum price of 45p per unit is too low to stop normal social drinking and certainly will not affect pubs and clubs
  24. Disagree - alcohol abuse is a massive problem in the UK, and we are storing up huge problems for the future especially for women Just because most people do not want to face up to the effect of their habits and many are in denial as to their true drink intake, it does not degate the fact that the Government should remind people that alcohol is basically a poison The only way to reduce alcohol consumption is to increase price (through regulation) and reduce availability (through licensing) All IMHO
  25. Got a quid riding on this with a Norwich fan in my office COYR Okay - it is only a token bet, but keeping the momentum is vital until we get to mid table
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