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Raven on the wing

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  1. Interesting to hear Radio Solent commentators had not done the maths before the game either. As professionals who are paid to keep us informed they were waffling and moaning about having no inet access !, I had posted exactly this scenario on here before Villa lost to Chelski !
  2. 3 points v Stoke could see see us leap frog a lot of teams who have tough last games let's raise the roof next Sunday
  3. Fulham could lose by up to 10 goals if we lost by twelve by the way and they would stay up !,
  4. Villa lose to Chelski on sat would mean we need a draw @ sunderland on Sunday to stay up barring massive defeat to stoke etc etc !
  5. Whoops spelt ticketing wrong in title but couldnot edit it !!
  6. I bought two tickets on the telephone from the club for manure game and was refused admission 40 mins before kick off being told they had already been used. After 40 mins hassle was given two more tickets without extra charge but was not impressed - could do without the aggravation and did not sit in my chosen seats. There seemed to be a big queue of others with similar problems has it been covered on here already ?
  7. Presumably the gentlemen with the dress suits on met with your approval, or in fact should we all go as if dressed for an evening at the Opera. No doubt you also have your list of acceptable chants and general behaviour on match days. I think what you are missing is that it is a very British trait to be able, to not take yourself too seriously. eg act the fool and not give a damn about what others think of you.
  8. Like a phoenix out of the ashes of administration,near extinction, then relegation to League One, the club has retaken its place at the top table with the elite. On this day of celebration, we pause to give thanks to one man who had a dream to achieve this eventuality. As long as a ball is kicked in anger by the red and whites of Southampton FC we will owe you a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. Raise your glasses to "One Markus Liebherr" theres only "one Markus Liebherr"
  9. One word of warning to our Coventry friend is not to approach League 1 like a team of "big time charlies". Its a tough league and every point is hard earned,
  10. Good point excellent chest control by Billy !
  11. I thought Lamberts pass for Sharps goal Saturday was a first sign of a partnership that will surely blossom. DC was the telling factor at the end of last season, and is far better than Barnard who doesnot look up to Championship standard ( please come on and score on Saturday and prove me wrong !! ).
  12. Add to that we would still have been playing for the league title !!
  13. Well it wont be on if you havenot gone over to digital TV yet !
  14. Has Rudi Skacel signed yet ?
  15. I think you might take yourself a bit too seriously mate. Football is a passionate game to be enjoyed in whatever attire you feel you want to express yourself in.
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