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Everything posted by sfc2003

  1. Yeah still available. Give us a call/text to avoid disappointment 07840 878386
  2. Last few spaces available on minibus. Match ticket included if required. Please contact me for further details or to book your place asap to avoid disappointment. SFC2003 07840 878386
  3. a few spaces available or our minibus if anyone is after travel. Contact me for further details sfc2003 07840 878386
  4. 2 spaces left on minibus INCLUDING match tickets together. Please contact me asap if interested. James sfc2003@tesco.net / 07840878386
  5. A pair of tickets together available for tomorrow. Face value. Please call asap if interested. James 07840 878386
  6. 2 spaces left on minibus INCLUDING match ticket. Please contact me asap for further details sfc2003@tesco.net / 07840878386
  7. 2 tickets available. Contact sfc2003@tesco.net if these are of help to anyone.
  8. 2 tickets available. Contact sfc2003@tesco.net if these are of help to anyone.
  9. 2 spaces left. Anyone interested please contact me asap so as to avoid disappointment
  10. travel with or without tickets available for this game. Please contact sfc2003@tesco.net for further details asap.
  11. I have 3 spaces available on our minibus for the game sat. £30 INCLUDING match ticket. PM me for further details.
  12. According to the Watford website the game tomorrow is OFF
  13. Any advice on where to park a minibus. Any boozers with a car park close by??
  14. sfc2003


    I have 2 spaces on our minibus available, £40 for ticket and travel and good day out. Please contact me asap if anyone fancies it. James Carreras 07840 878386 james.carreras@tesco.net
  15. I have 2 spaces left on our minibus going to Watford. £40 for ticket and travel and a good day out!!! Please contact me asap if anyone is interested. James Carreras 07840 878386 james.carreras@tesco.net
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