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Amazing Hangover

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Everything posted by Amazing Hangover

  1. Way, way too good for that - saw them loose 4-1 to Cambridge recently Barnard That Is.
  2. He reminds me of Mark Wright. Only not as good.
  3. Where I come from, is normal. Its the only fun we get.
  4. I will carry that image to my bed tonight.
  5. Giant litter tray for Nicolas collection of big cats. Or possibly a mix of residential/venue/bars etc and some river based employment - Coastal rivers should be working rivers IMHO
  6. No, seriously, don't eat the yellow snow. I know it looks yummy and it's tempting, but just don't. OK?
  7. Mine tastes like elf spunk. Want to swap?
  8. Whenever I see an image of our Lord and maker like this , I think Who cuts his hair? where does he buy his robes? a neatly trimmed beard there - does he use clippers? and what is he standing on?
  9. I don't know - he's got good legs for a fat boy.
  10. Contracts can be a nightmare and complicated if you do not know what you are doing, particularly for work with a lot of specialised elements in it like building a training ground - a bit different to building a house. The spec for this would run to hundreds of pages. If you start altering the spec after the contract has been agreed the builders rub their hands in glee as this is where they make their money. On some projects they make nothing without alterations. In reality there will be lots of changes throughout the contract and the budget nearly always goes over as you can never think of everything. However even changes which the client may feel are minor or have no cost implications can come back to bite you big time. Any alterations or extra work needs agreeing and signing in blood. And of course there is the other side where the client (usually an arrogant sort) doesn't see why he should bend to the hired help and tries to rip the builders off. I have friends who make a hansom living banging heads together in precisely this situation - it is very common. So lets hope that it gets sorted, because as soon as the lawyers arrive the costs go through the roof if you loose.
  11. I think that was Scott
  12. 'Go back to Bolton you fat northern idiot' (to the tune of 'come and have a go') Sorry that was BFS - wrong thread
  13. I mean the bed-wetting after Arsenal, etc.
  14. This was 'Pinnacle' who was actually a taxi driver living with his parents in Golders Green who said he had 'contacts' (he probably meant lenses) if I remember? When this came out we were days from extinction, which is why I find the 'Hang 'em flog 'em posts re the manager, team, players chairman etc so strange.
  15. Is this in real life or just in your head? I say this because being a gentleman of a certain age, as are most posters here it would seem, I know things can get confusing. Also define 'Had'
  16. Go down this road then threatening another team is equally OK. Hello South America.
  17. Why don't we talk it over?
  18. So we need to check Lee's girlfriend status
  19. But he has got a false right knee, as you can see from the picture
  20. I think we are just being used here to drive up the price/wages until a suitably large, 'proper' club (Liverpool) comes along. Unfortunately Mark Dickhead Lawrenson knows this. Similar to the Buttner fiasco where the 'Third Man' was probably one of Fergie's henchmen having a quiet word. Meanwhile QPR seem to be able to sign anybody they like fairly quickly - I would have thought we would be a more attractive proposition - just the Mark Hughes factor and a few more quiet words from Fergie??
  21. Dodgy defending but otherwise seeing Man City hang on was great. I think we will be OK
  22. Hmmmm... Very specialist tastes I see. Not sure on this one. Looks like she needs a good dinner inside her.
  23. Stunned by today if its all true. I am feeling so magnanimous that I shall say this, for one time only: I am starting to feel a bit sorry for Tommy Forecast, who apparently, has been quickly found out by Gillingham. As someone else posted once his contract is up his football career is over - Wessex League? - Probably not even that at 26 and having been a 'Future England Keeper'. His entire career must be like that dream I know we've all had where you get caught shoplifting, naked, in BHS. I usually wake in a cold sweat before I've even reached the home ware department, but Tommy has had five years of this humiliating exposure. Poor Lad.
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