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  1. trousers

    Elon Musk

    Hailing a taxi, ergo not a nazi
  2. trousers

    Elon Musk

    I've always said there's a very fine line between hailing a taxi and being a nazi.... (not mutually exclusive activities, of course)
  3. trousers

    Injury Watch

    Is there an echo in here...?
  4. trousers

    Injury Watch

    Juric: "Dibling's injury isn't as bad as we first thought. Will re-assess next week"
  5. trousers

    Elon Musk

    There's only a debate because some people are insistent that it was a nazi salute and others are insistent it wasn't. If everyone was as pragmatic, balanced and non-judgemental as myself, and not obsessed with being on one side or the other, then the debate wouldn't exist, as per your desire...
  6. trousers

    Elon Musk

    Thanks for clarifying. Yet another field of expertise that I've not much knowledge in compared to everyone else on the interweb...
  7. trousers

    Elon Musk

    Might this have something to do with it? https://theconversation.com/elon-musk-how-being-autistic-may-make-him-think-differently-194228 #benefitofthedoubt
  8. trousers

    Elon Musk

    Permission to sit on the fence given I don't know one way or the other and feel it would be ilogical to make an aribtrary guess just to please the internet football forum fraternity....
  9. trousers

    Elon Musk

  10. I'm not normally one to judge players straight off the bat, but this fella does seem to tick all the usual Sport Republic boxes... i.e. might turn out to be a golden nugget but more probable than not he'll turn out to be another low budget flop. If there's any room in the Saintsweb "Happy to be proven wrong" club, then save me a place
  11. Anyone worked out the connection to an Austin Allegro yet?
  12. trousers

    Top birds

    Oops.... sorry sir.... will this make amends...?
  13. trousers

    Top birds

  14. trousers

    Top birds

  15. Maybe I'm not a staunch enough fan (?), or simply just too long in the tooth to care (!), but I'm not one to feel humiliation or embarrassment about a football team I happen to support. I actually quite enjoy my friends' attempts to wind me up about it... Just seems like good old fashioned banter to me. Much more important things in life to worry about at the end of the day, Brian
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