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  1. It fucking has.
  2. I don’t think he’s got a chance when he gets instantly counter tariffed, but that was the plan.
  3. They were all fiddling the emissions tests. They weren’t even close to being clean. Beggars belief that next week you’ll pay ‘road tax’ on a EV with zero emissions (except for the mining, production and charging of the batteries) but you can drive a filthy diesel car for £0 a year.
  4. Yet apparently Trump is an idiot and a bad man for wanting to use tariffs to eventually replace income tax in America so that people actually get to keep the money they earn.
  5. Woke nonsense
  6. Probably not. They’ve done that in the past, “accidentally” left him alone in a room full of Muslims who smashed his teeth out during one of his many prison sentences. Didn’t deter him from being a cunt at all.
  7. Get out of my club you fucking retards.
  8. RedArmy

    Ivan Juric

    Yep, astonishing indictment of those in charge that they somehow managed to make things even worse. You almost have to congratulate it it’s so impressive.
  9. I think that’s Craig David actually.
  10. Who wins penalties? We are shit.
  11. No we wouldn’t. But at least poor little Flynn would be happy.
  12. I’m not quite sure how you can “import” 2 US Citizens.
  13. Another great post from the forum retard. 1) Nothing to do with terrorism whatsoever. 2) He’s not British so what exactly is your point? “Look at this serial rapist we imported, at least he’s not Muslim though eh” Idiot.
  14. Maybe it was a Jew. You’d love that wouldn’t you?
  15. He also called Priti Patel an immigrant.
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