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Totton Saint

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Everything posted by Totton Saint

  1. You wait all week with hope to see this match and what happens. A HUGE ANTI CLIMAX How was it possible to play so badly
  2. 4 minutes togo and yet we are passing back to the goalie. what a waste tee long throws are.
  3. In all of my 65 years following Saints I hav enver seen such utter dross!!!!
  4. What a shambles. The players just did not look interested in going forward So complacent . What was those kicks from our goalie that kept going over Villa's goal line
  5. I agree. How well the newcomers have jelled together in such a short time. Was great to see the last ditch tackling by ABK and Salusi. For Armstrong to kill the ball coming to him from Peraud at such a speed and then score in a flash was fantastic.
  6. I agree with your comments about tearing up the team sheet an hour before the game
  8. What about Pope for a goalie if Burnley go down
  9. After Ralph saw the Liverp line up once game started he should have changed tactics at least at half time and added another striker up front. when he did make changes it was to bring on two replacement mid fielders.thought WHAT WAS THE POINT IN THAT. Che came on too late. I thought Redders covered a lot of ground and had a good game.
  10. To think that a season or two ago we were worried that a top club would poach him. How things have changed, We had a real uplift foe a while after we the new owners came in. What has happened since to cause the drop off?
  11. Sorrry I meant KWP
  12. I have noticed that the maruading dribblers like tino and Liv have stopped doing that. I does seem that taking on their man is being coached out of them
  13. Why should millionaire players need coaching how to play football? If they need coaching we should never have bought them Let the players play with freedom and instinct. We were never coached when we played school football le.agues
  14. How ca we change from being so confident, making short passes out of fight defensive positions sorrounded by the opposition players with such arrogance to end up like this utter shambles . Players in and out of the side on a weekly basis and on what basis? And why play Long when not started all season
  15. Long is hardly one for the future, if not the present.
  16. what has happened to Jack S......
  17. A very good treatise. Years back one never knew who were the managers. Bob lord at Burnley in the sixties was the exception
  18. Strikes me they have been on an actual beach when they should have been at the training ground
  19. I really do completely agree with your selection. We were appallngly and disgustingly complacent v burnley after they went one up. I could not believe my eyes. Why play a back 5 against a potential relegation side. Hasinhutal looks so tense in the tech area it must rub off on the players. All the shouting instructions must utterly confuse them.
  20. It would be a long trip to Turf Moor and back to just watch two teams who are both likely to play defensively and use the much maligned route one tactics. Not to mention the cost of petrol these days. Weather looks good though.
  21. Didn't he win the Euros with Portugal? He was good enough to play for his nation.
  22. From letting in 6 last week to a clean sheet yesterday. How's that for inconsistency!! Anyhow, looking forward to watching the Sky recording of the game later today and FF's saves. Not complaining though. well done lads.
  23. How can Long be on the bench and not redmond
  24. Very strange selection
  25. it is only a friendly match - so something does not add up. Is Ralph a mind reader.?
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