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Totton Saint

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Everything posted by Totton Saint

  1. I have not had a stream for ages but I have TNT. So please saints try harder tonight. even a gaol would be nice.
  2. I tried to edit my post to read " for the rest of the season" but it would not be accepted by the system
  3. Will we ever win a game this season?
  4. More spectators would cheer on the team and motivate them to score goals.
  5. I have nothing against Jack . It was the lack of the usual baying mobs comments on here seemed odd. '
  6. I am surprised no reaction re Stephens on subs list.
  7. team not in here yet
  8. Selection does seem a little bit illogical. Any streams please folks
  9. Wasn't Llanalla coming back meant to be the top technical player..................past it meant to be that person?
  10. Let's wait and see. Stranger things have happened. As long as we do not wear the pink strip things might go our way
  11. Man U are only 5 places above us but don't mention the points gap!!
  12. At least that awful woman will not have to bestow her favours on Swansea
  13. You can watch it on BBC I player or travel to Wales and watch on BBC Wales.
  14. No VAR so a ray of hope for us tomorrow.
  15. My super computer, AKA my brain, predicts relegation and the club folding. Did Nostradamus have anything to say?
  16. Only 3 days to go now.
  17. It has brought tears to my eyes.
  18. thanks for the goal clip. Cannot get streams
  19. I see a prudent move having Dibling sat on the bench for when he is needed.
  20. Is this a take on Motörhead's Ace of Spades?
  21. You cannot just bench Dibling and that's it . who would you select in his place for example?
  22. How about Ann Shelton's "Lay down your arms and surrender to me" (if you are old enough to remember this song - as I am)
  23. Even in rugby one is not allowed to tackle around the neck . The game is ruined for spectators by this kind of thing stopping flowing attacking moves. Years ago players had more pride and self respect to do this to another player, I guess it is mirroring the decline in morals in society over the years. Should have been eradicated from the game before it gained a foothold and perniciously crept in and now been normalised. tacking
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