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Everything posted by Mr_Red

  1. I agree its a bit hodge podge but i still like it. They were pretty damn awesome in Teignmouth too. Can't believe someone doesn't like Supermassive Blackhole... I've no idea what its about but I "dance" like a nutter if its ever on in a club.
  2. Impossible to tell for this country maybe... I believe (deathpenaltyinfo.org) that the Ukraine are one of the few countries to recently drop the death penalty for European reasons. Crime stats didn't change much, if it all - so the death penalty (in the Ukraine anyway) is not really a deterrent. The murder rate is lower in Non-DP states in the US, so is the death penalty inciting murder?! I'm guessing not, it's probably more down to the social demographic of each state, but its a bit interesting to get the bigger picture. Although not the important part of the debate IMO, I also believe due to appeals etc that it does cost more to kill a prisoner than to imprison them for life. Is this a major factor in peoples views?
  3. Potentially 8million?! Whhhaattt?! Having watched MOTD last night: 1. Piquonne (no idea how to spell it) is fast becoming one of my favourite players. 2. Someone needs to lamp the bell with the bell, so annoying. If he wasn't about then maybe they could fill the shed.
  4. Do you really think that 10,000 people were put off by rubbish facilities? :confused: I can imagine a few people might be put off, maybe a few hundred, but no more than that. The Dell was packed, more often than not we couldn't get any more in. We had the demand for increased capacity so we built for it.
  5. Theres a big ol' Liebherr crane here in Exeter. I like to salute it.
  6. 'Doing the Lambert walk' was suggested earlier. I thought that was good. Plus even the oldies might be able to go with it... I guess the younger ones might not tho.
  7. Hmmnn.. Why don't you have the value in column A and my formula in column B? Then hide column A if its a big deal? Alternatively replace A1 in the formula with whatever calculation you're doing. Simply add an if(a1="","",(the rest of the formula here) if the Pompey thing is an issue.
  8. For the example above with "a1" as the reference cell =if(a1>80,"Saints",if(a1 Simples. Use conditional formatting if you want to change the style of font depending on the value in A1 - e.g. colour, size etc.
  9. I am quite interested in the answers to some of the questions above, however I can accept that they really and honestly will never be answered properly and completely. There must be some fans who had significant shareholdings in the club, I mean 100 shares were worth £60 not all that long ago. Think of those who had several thousand of them! Poor Mike... literally. Before anyone starts telling me to let go of the past and all that, I'm interested anyway - not just as a fan.
  10. The Woolpack in Sopley is pretty local to me. 1. I wouldn't consider it in the New Forest 2. Its not very good and overpriced 3. The Three Tuns in Bransgore is meant to be good, I used to think the High Corner was nice but I haven't been in years.
  11. There are 4 pretty good ones on this thread. Stewart Lee??? Are you actually being serious? If I had any sway at all I'd start a thread with a link to his 'funniest' performance and have a poll titled 'Did you laugh at any point during this crap?' Perhaps he has been funny and now isn't, I haven't watched much - I can only go by his 'comedy vehicle' show on BBC2 which included the worst clips I have ever witnessed. I'd go so far to say I laughed a lot more the day Diana died. See. I know funny. Has anyone said Harry Hill yet? I don't have a singular favourite I'm afraid. But he is funny.
  12. That's all I thought throughout the entire piece! And photocopying isn't too far from papermerchanting - was The Office based on this guy? I'm not just into photocopiers... I'm a networking analyst, sales as well... (not direct quotes) He also seems to be a scout and a leader in youth football. How do those jobs come together?! Does he print our programmes?
  13. I graduated from uni in 2007 after doing a 4 year masters course. I agree it is equally about gaining life experience away from home as well as learning your chosen course. I like to think I chose a sensible degree at a good uni that had good job prospects. I'm on a decent wage and my job is secure at the moment. Many of my mates who went to uni (mostly to Solent, which was too close to home for my liking) did obscure courses and now find themselves in fairly boring, not particularly well paid jobs. I would suggest choosing a broad subject that covers several occupations that you might be interested in, then specialise within that subject in the later uni years. Doing a specific course, for example, 'Disaster Management' or 'football studies' kinda limits your options. And yes, I am now one of those people that says 'bloody students' whenever I see sick on the street or when there are too many of them about, crossing roads without giving a toss... ... I certainly miss the perks. Council tax is pretty rubbish.
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