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Everything posted by Mr_Red

  1. Ha, he looks better than Delgado!!! For me, he wasn't a great player for us but he seemed like a nice lad - I remember him and Prutton (I think) being the only 2 players who sang the 12 days of Christmas with gusto (yes it was cringetastic, but a bit of a laugh I thought). The whole nightclub incident was just stupidity - but young footballers aren't normally the brightest buttons. In short, I wouldn't begrudge him a clap or two. Too much bitterness in the world these days.
  2. RIP Deano. Great defender for us, a shame he didn't make it for England. Will always remember his spurs debut - it was going so well until half time!!!
  3. I did say 'we have a chance' rather than 'I think we will' (which I accept is gutless). Just an optimist I guess. Just checked the odds - they aren't great. Only 3-1. I'll wait til its 5-1 then blow my savings.
  4. Sure to get lambasted for this but I still reckon we have a chance to win the league. Brighton have to slip up sometime - It's happened before. If we can get another winning run on the go at the same time then it's entirely possible. Thought I'd post this in hope that come May I can say I told you so... No-one will remember if it doesn't happen... No-one knows me anyway. Livin' the dream.
  5. Also, I can't imagine that a proper architects would use google sketchup (and seemingly a google basemap) for their designs. Looks like something a work experience kid pieced together. (Not meaning to be rude, it's better than anything I could do)
  6. You probably imagine wrongly. Nearly every architect I've met has no idea about what steel structures can and can't do. FWIW, if you've got enough money and space you can do just about anything, but if we ever expand we'd do it a stand at a time. The symmetry would be lost which is a shame but the stadium would become unique and could look great... I can't see it happening for a while yet though!!
  7. Was watching from the Bank (being a local pokal) so didn't see the goals as well as most saints will have. Kelvin seemed to completely mess up for their goal but made some fantastic saves in the second half. Probs my motm. Not much to say about the rest of the team really. Midfield was non-existent until hammond came on. Nguessin looks good going forward but didn't cover back well. Chaplow worked hard, lambo kept going... Thank goodness. Really frustrating when we had a throw and no saints looked to receive the ball. That's about it.
  8. we won't lose this game
  9. Thanks for that.
  10. I'd like to see a similar table showing the minimum points each team can achieve... ( not including points deductions - that would be silly.
  11. I was expecting a hotty reading the news in her pants... I'm a little disappointed.
  12. Because in reality you cannot say for certain that Hoddle would have done any better than Sturrock... Also, whoever it was that had the power to influence that decision was still in power during the relegation - so why would they admit to it? It's not really related to this thread.
  13. Your posts are incredibly tedious. Can you not see past the Hoddle era? If in 5 years time we are in the top half of the prem will you be glad Hoddle wasn't appointed - otherwise the whole Marcus takeover might not have happened... Or would Hoddle have won the league with us by then?! You talk about the past but not that many people care - what can be done about it? We can only learn. I just mentioned the future which can be what we make of it... Fancy talking about now?
  14. I got a free working dishwasher just two weeks ago... Doesn't wash clothes though. Nothing wrong with it, tested for nasties, nothing doing.
  15. Wench
  16. This thread is bonkers.
  17. Responses to this thread suggest that we are pretty confident and they are running scared... Surely we all know what this means by now?! :-(
  18. Mr_Red


    I just found it funny (despite being an unfunny subject) that because a lawyer told Bush that waterboarding was legal that it was ok to do it. No thoughts about anything else, just the legality. How can someone like that be 'the most powerful man in the world'?!
  19. Must confess i never knew he played for us... My saints memory of him is when le tiss skinned him and scored that cracking goal... (the one against Norwich that went in off the left post) - I think he only scored one like that against Norwich. He did score several crackers tho, not sure if anyone else has noticed that.
  20. Mr_Red


    Went in may this yr to the bellagio (reasonably cheap on a weekday). Truly mental place. Recommend checking out all casinos on the strip, mirage, Caesars, treasure island, the Venetian and Paris were great. Hoover dam worth a trip if you like that sort of thing. Ihop have awesome pancakes for breakfast. Gourmet all you can eat buffet at bellagio is something else. Defo worth a visit. The Mexicans on the street are funny.
  21. Do you like your wife?
  22. I can't understand why so many people are impatient for results already. If we are in the bottom half after 6-8 games then sure - something isn't right. But 2 games? Are Liverpool fans asking for Hodgsons head already? (slightly different situation I admit) We aren't out of the promotion race for a long long time yet. Didn't Keane take Sunderland from relegation to champions when he took charge in October/November? In my eyes we aren't playing that badly. Be like Take That, have a little patience.
  23. oh.
  24. Nice. Not sure of the song element tho... Are we all going to shout 'that's the way to do it' when the opposition score? Or do we hit the person next to us with a rolling pin?
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