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Everything posted by sticksaint

  1. Lallana shot great save
  2. Good save from Kelvin!
  3. Scott dobie?Where do i remember that name from?I`m sure he has scored against us before!
  4. Yes yorkie that was the chant! I was being polite.
  5. This reminds me -i took my 2 girls to Blackburn away(the yellow and blue day) 2005.We were 3-0 down at the time and the saints fans decided to sing "your support is not very good" ( or words to that affect!) I was not joining in (likewise my mates who also had young children with them) When i looked at my 8 year old she was fully singing the whole song including swearwords! When i told her you shouldn`t really do that.She said " i was only singing what everybody else was singing!"
  6. Yes i took both my kids when they were 6.I also wanted to call my eldest Matthew but my wife wouldn`t let me-something to do with her being female or something :-)
  7. Game is very flat at the moment.COYR
  8. Read your links tone! One link talks about "removing all elements of sharia law from british law" or something like that.Must have missed that bit in the queens speech "england is now under sharia law" .These people are fascists
  9. Anyone know what colours we`re playing in today?Ta
  10. I agree
  11. Like others have said mine keeps cutting out :-(
  12. Interview on radio solent via saints player
  13. Yeah I`m an old customer and it works fine for me :-)
  14. I haven`t had an e mail either!
  15. Take that`s on now :-(
  16. I might have known you would be here-you`re only here for the big games,black sea!LOL :-)
  17. Saints tv £20 a year if you were a member.Think i`ve lost my money this year :-(
  18. "Flypaper?That`s ridiculous!Everyone knows flies can`t read!"Can`t remember what film this was from
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