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Everything posted by bigchrisy

  1. Brett Pitman Stefan Oakes Danny Hollands Jack Lester REALISTIC!!
  2. But then again, 5 goals conceded against a conference side............thats very poor even by our standards
  3. ....................Davis Murty.......Perry...Thomas...Harding James....Schneiderlin...Gillet...Mills ............White.......John I think Jamie White deserves a chance to prove ability and fitness
  4. Im 100 percent buzzing But I think we're looking at a big loss, 4-0 to Ajax
  5. Paterson OUT Pato IN
  6. Well, no to be honest thats just really bad support........
  7. I like it to be honest Would have prefered all yellow though Any ideas on prices yet? And how many seasons?
  8. Fred dienage my old man cant stand the bloke
  9. a) New Manager - WGS b) His assistant - WGS's choice c) Five realistic players? Rickie Lambert, Chris Baird, Tony Capaldi, Jp Saeijs, Steve Howard d) A job for MLT? Ambassador? e) One ground improvement? Open the corners again f) One catering improvement? Improve the cheeseburgers! They are terrible! g) New half time entertainment? Get Mike Osman Back h) New picture in the boardroom? Bpbby Stokes scoring in the 76 final
  10. Molyneux was at totton Tuesday
  11. Lets get tony adams!
  12. I thought Wotte said the swiss wanted him a few weeks ago?
  13. And am I right in saying he's a saints fan as well? Would anybody on this forum behave as he has? I wouldn't.
  14. After the collapse of Southampton football club Lord Mawhinney went for a muck about in his new playground at st marys..............
  15. bigchrisy


    + 2
  16. Seems a bit of an odd one But then again it is on an official website And why on earth are we going for another 'keeper!
  17. Coppell
  18. YES! someone with some common sense on this foum
  19. Um Frank Harper
  20. ' Euell Appointed As New Manager In new Jamacian set up '
  21. bigchrisy

    Kevin Keegan

    I wouldn't mind King Kev coming back but then to be fair i would rahter take on someone with a knowledge of the divison
  22. Isnt he a regular at forest?
  23. My friends a steward, it came from the burnley fans
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