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Everything posted by bigchrisy

  1. any good streams at all?
  2. Looking for 2 tickets if anybody has any spares please.
  3. http://www.thisisgloucestershire.co.uk/Cheltenham-Town-video-Keeper-Davies-plays-Robins/story-16584953-detail/story.html make of that what you will.
  4. anyone know of any pubs showing the game?
  5. just out of curiosity what does a concession equal the young adult/student category last year?
  6. i think sharps 2nd against the skates this season is up there amongst the obvious ones. didn't last long but for a few moments there nothing else in the world mattered.
  7. Brentford away, 10/11. 3-0 win. promotion pretty much in the bag. me running around the stand with no shirt on after drinking my own body weight in cider. happy days.
  8. 1st- City 2nd- United 3rd- Chelsea 18th- Stoke 19th- Fulham 20th- Wigan Saints 13th think wigan are a dead cert for relegation this year. other than that it's a toss up between 9 other teams to go down i reckon.
  9. Everyone gets on their high horse about racism these days, it's all gone over board. Yeah it's not on...but no one was keen to report the several thousand fans who were being homophobic towards brighton fans? or the people who have been offensive to players like Jon Parkin over the years because of his weight? At the end of the day it's not fair and it's something that should(and hopefully will be) taken out of the game altogether but i think it's in a footballers best interest to man up and carry on. (my opinion, don't snap at me)
  10. Why has Punch been dropped? He's been class the last few games!
  11. Does anyone happen to know any working streams for the game today? I'm a season ticket holder but i'm too ill to attend today.
  12. *the man that Adkins wants, tired typing
  13. Not fair to judge a player until you've seen him play for THIS club (Jos anyone?). If he's the man that Adkins then let's face it, he know's more than anybody on this forum...probably
  14. 'trouble is Gus, you park your bus in front of our goal while ours bus steams right through yours.....oh ignore me then, you sadistic c**t'
  15. Was just listening to the song 'Riot Van' by the Arctic Monkeys and there's a lyric: 'they wont catch me and you, those silly boys in blue'. Couldn't help but think of Gus and company . Can't wait for this one though, COYR!
  16. Holmes was a free agent I think
  17. 'What the feck do you mean by Nicola's taking £150 out me wages to keep the bus in the carpark?!'
  18. It's just a laugh. People need to get off their high horse with things like this (any chance to moan about something). Everyone had a laugh singing/shouting it, it's just light-hearted fun.
  19. Stern John's had a few as I remember.
  20. Davis.
  21. town centre is your best bet mate, not a lot near the ground as I recall
  22. New Bridge Inn mate, always have the games on but not 100 percent sure on food. There's a decent curry house next door however
  23. 1-1 Will be a close game.
  24. went down to get tickets wednesday and was told the club wouldn't be running anymore coaches. Seeing as it's so far up north i'm sure this will put a lot of people off.
  25. scored an own goal on saturday...
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