And what ? I suppose on Poortvliets £60,000 a year salary he just expects every one to pay the £25-£28 every game to come and what a bunch of 16 year olds get thumped time and time again and not moan ! What an "A-hole"
Quite right, give something back and it would be nice to have 25,000 singing to get Rupert to leave before and after the game, and to support the lads during the game, but it ain't going to happen.
For all those who don't understand Economics (and this includes Rupert it seems) for each Product Quality and Quantity as well as differenciation all have an effect to create an optimal price and demand for a product. If the Price is too high the demand will fall. If the quality is higher the price will be able to be higher. Thus at the moment, no quality, high price, therefore no demand... easy that... What Rupert and Jan seem to think is: No quality, no entertainment, no differenciation, oh F*** it they should turn up anyway, why don't they ?
What a bunch of t**sers !