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Fan The Flames

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Everything posted by Fan The Flames

  1. What about our women and our other animals you sexist heartless pig. You are being a bit of a drama queen again.
  2. "I am deeply saddened and depressed that a minority of protesters became violent towards officers in central London yesterday evening," she said. "This led to 14 officers being injured, in addition to 13 hurt in earlier protests this week" Cressida Dick.
  3. Shame you couldn't give a polite and thoughtful answer.
  4. Why does the police taking the knee upset people? Serious question.
  5. More right wing disorder last night. Costing the tax payers £££.
  6. Can you stop doing this please. Three little children have died and the others traumatised. This isn't a game.
  7. Mention how the loons could be right, just to put it out there. Then mention that maybe its not the case, just to look reasonable. Classic move.
  8. Blah blah blah, I can hear you stuttering as you scrabble around for an answer.
  9. Would you be asking is Islam evil if he was the son of Chilean immigrants. Don't answer, you probably would 😆
  10. I love the way the loons try to pin it on Sadiq Khan's Met Police.
  11. It's not bizarre, you're talking about 'narrative' in general terms, wide open general terms. You mention The Media, not the Mail or The Guardian or GB News, just The Media. Then you narrow it down to specifically mention Labour, out of all the political parties in the UK. But when prompted you say 'oh yeah the Tories as well'. I see you Hypo, always have 😀
  12. I prefer to wait for facts and not feed the cunts. I believe Rwanda is 2% Muslim, btw.
  13. Because, disingenuously, you only mentioned Labour in the post.
  14. A significant number of that significant number don't live in the West or the UK.
  15. Let's get one thing right the riots over the last few nights have been carried out by right wing thugs.
  16. What media? And only the Labour party that haven't been in power for a month yet, what about the Tories where they attending to the concerns of the native population for the last 14 years?
  17. That's fine, there are issues with immigration that need to be worked through. But plenty of people don't seem to be able to have a problem with immigration without having a problem with immigrants.
  18. And here we go. Some loon mentions that the killer was instructed by Islam and then the discussion innocently morphs into is Islam evil. It's what the loons want Do we know if he's a Muslim or if it was an Islamic attack. Do we know if it was because of mental health issues or ASD. We don't know much at the moment and that allows the loons to fill the void with bollocks like the met police are suppressing the real reason, it's conspiracy theory stuff.
  19. Johnny Vegas is commentating on the gymnastics.
  20. Clueless. They are not withdrawing their labour, they are not direct employees, they are private contractors working to the terms of their contracts. Plenty will be Tory doctors happy to rock the boat, doing they're bit for the tory party.
  21. I guess the left aren't the nasty radicals you have always been scared of. Labour rebuilding Britain one brick at a time.
  22. Everyday's a school day, now I know it you're still a drama queen, it's a contract negotiation like the hundreds that have happen since Bevan. I thought you believed in capitalism.
  23. Another mess the Tories have left
  24. Doctors mouth with gold - such a drama queen. If people don't like it they can punish Labour at the next election 😁
  25. I believe that Edwards was charged with, and pleased guilty to, offenses that had nothing to do with the complaint to the BBC.
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