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Everything posted by broncoboy

  1. It's just the usual recruitment shambles from Saints. The regular failure to sign our targets as soon as another club shows interest. We have had poor recruitment in the last 3 windows. Never mind Fat Les will sign what's left in the market in late July Mind you selling players is no problem to our board
  2. Les must know that he messed up big time He refuses to give an interview to the Echo He is in hiding but he must know the fans will turn on him when the last game is over We really can't go in to the Summer with Les in charge again. The Chinese bloke knows nothing about football but he does know he just lost a £100m. If Les stays it will be the same late signings, total silence to the fans, selling anybody he can on the instructions of the board Les is old past his sell by date time for a change Another poor season and season ticket sales will collapse Despite the problems it would cause we need rid of Less and Ralph and need to start again
  3. Les was happy to bask in the glory when things were going well. If we get relegated and he is responsible for all aspects of football at the club then he should resign The transfer failures over numerous Windows and the appointment of Pellegrino and the failure to act when it was clearly going wrong would get anybody the sack. The worst aspect is the silence from the club the idea they don't need to let the fans know anything which has been in place for years. To be kind it's time for a fresh approach
  4. we will get a totally unconvincing apology from the board and the promise to work to bring us back up. We will dither over the manager and appoint the new one a couple of weeks before the season starts They will have a fire sale of any player they can shift and won't sign anyone till they know who they are left with We need Tadic Redmond and the other serial failures out of the club. My worst fear is we will keep Long as a striker expecting him to succeed when he has failed as a goal scorer for two seasons We need to ensure we start with a largely new squad to ensure we don't carry the sickness we have into the next season We need to bring more football expertise into the board Les is passed his sell by date and if we rely on him we will just get the same
  5. I hope never to see Redmond play in a Saints strip again and although Long works hard I couldn't stand watching him constantly fail to score straight forward opportunities for another season . Les hasn't been seen or heard of for months so it seems he might have done a runner
  6. The board sat on its hands when it was obvious Pellegrino would not turn it around They failed for two years to solve the problem of lack of goals Les Reed. Football director sat and watched Pellegrino fail week after week Les Reed failed to sign key players to address our problems in December He has cost the club our premier league status and at last £100 million Get the clown out of the club
  7. It's hard to think of a club that gives less information to its fans. The contempt that we should just wait till they decide when they might give us some information But of course if you never give out any information you can't be blamed when you fail to sign a player or attract a manager. The club has been in a relegation spiral with a manager on a 15% win ratio and not a word from the director responsible for football Not a word about why unlike any other club in the world we hang on to him How dare a director treat the club supporters like this. It is one of the worst aspects of this club . Sheer contempt Well I think I won't be purchasing a season ticket anymore **** em
  8. He has to be sacked you can't possibly carry on with him no matter how difficult it is to find a temporary manager He is sucking the life out of the players and the fans. Can you imagine the reception he would get at the last home game during a thrashing from City. Les Reed and Kreugrr gambled premier league status they must pay the price. Gao and Kat need to sweep them away because if you are not dealt with when you have cost the club £100m when will you Pellegrino will be gone by Monday lunch Unfortunately we will be relegated but you can't possibly ask the fans to take anymore
  9. The manager is totally negative conceding momentumn to the opposition The players who wait till the 79th minute before making any effort to scrabble a result The board for appointing a cheap nobody The board for sticking by a clueless manager when every fan in November knew he wasn't up to to the job The board who will leave it till August before we replace him to ensure we have a slow start in the championship
  10. Only 3 home games till the torture stops The manager will get sacked when we get relegated Les Reed will have to explain to the fans why we are in the Championship Les Reed will hopefully retire after securing relegation We must have a shot on target a keeper finds hard to save (it won't be from Shane Long) We will try to win games when we get a new manager
  11. We have made a conscious decision to persist with a manager who is defensively minded. This stilted our attack and resulted in giving a free pass to attack us for most of every second half. Inevitably we conceded goals and matches we could have drawn or won There has been some bad luck but we shackled our own ability to win matches. Persisting with players like Redmond and Fraser when everyone knew they needed to be dropped was just poor management The failure to reinforce properly in the window means we lack some cover and have a striker trying to find his feet in the premier league We have really shot ourselves in the foot. We will sack Pellegrino but the stubborn decision not to sack a manager with a 16% win ratio when such results would have got him sacked in any other club in the world will be laid at uncle Les s door if we get relegated The odds are if we continue the seasons form we will go down through sheer bad management of the club Who seriously wants Pellegrino here for another season
  12. The board should pay the price if they persist with this donkey. They will have to explain why they sat on their hands from November. Does anyone seriously think the fans will accept Pellegrino for next season when we are in the championship . Even if we were to stay up would anyone want another season with him. They will sack him but too late to save our premiership status. The board are letting the fans down and if they do I won't renew my season ticket I won't need to.
  13. Maybe Les could explain why he thinks he should remain our manager as he has failed to remove him despite the position of the club
  14. Even if we win Pellegrino will revert to type We can't possibly continue with playing Long Tadic and Davis and expect to get results
  15. It is not possible to justify sticking with Pellgriino. The only justification is they want to sign some players before they sack him The level of incompetence from the board is criminal . Decisive action was required in November
  16. The manager is responsible for the results whether it is fair or not. He should have been sacked in November when the writing was on the wall . A win ratio of 17% would get any manager the sack . Les is an idiot if he thinks the fans will put up with this any longer
  17. It's Les that runs the Saints secret society where the fans are told nothing , it's Les that has appointed probably the worst manager we have had, it's Les that has failed to put a functioning strike force in place over the last two windows, it's Les that has failed to remove Pelkegrino in the last few months, it's Les that had the ludicrous idea Theo could be signed, it's Les that has seen the the academy start to fail, the under 23s and the under18s. It's Les in charge of all football matters that will see the club relegated. It's Les true to form over his career end it in a £100m relegation
  18. Well Les wouldn't look so stupid if he had openly stated we were looking for a loan and closing down speculation when Aresnal ruled a loan out. Two weeks into the window the rumours are we are looking to sign a couple of players not making the team in their existing clubs. Every other team is happy to be associated with targets not us. Relegation costs £100m . Les failed in the last window and here we are struggling to get any player across the line. We have a manager who is going to be sacked at some point but it would appear Les is happy to gamble the financial disaster relegation would be. I hope he realises the fans will never forgive him for relegation and hound him out of the club. He is an old man past his sell by date
  19. The plan will of course be to put everybody behind the ball with Shane Long expected to play on the break. Every club in the lower half of the league would play in a similar manner. They will be hoping they can keep the score respectful so they can say we gave them a game and we were a liitle unlucky. In the last ten minutes when all is lost we will charge up the field when spurs are just waiting for the match to be over. We will hoof the ball over midfield to no effect but hey don't we show we are looking to get back in the game. They won't change the manager till the window is closed not to spook any player coming in . The manager shoukd have gone in November. How low does his win ratio have to go to get the sack like any other manager. The issue of manager replacement is they don't have a likely replacement and they are trying to recruit players in the next two weeks. New manager in Feb
  20. I saw that too. Never forgotten . It was the diagonal run from the other side of the pitch that got me. Be afraid very afraid
  21. Ralph and Les will dither and dither till Feb before sacking him The idea that Walcott or some other has been will save us is laughable . No doubt it will be the last week in the window before any player arrives.
  22. A win ratio of 17.4 % ? What other manager would survive that? Secondly believing Shane Long will start scoring when he has scored once since Feb Tadic and Redmond will turn their game around how likely is that ? And Bertrand gesturing to the crowd being acceptable The board will take this club down
  23. By December the stats don't lie Pellegrino has shown no ability to manage the team. Redmond proves week in week out how poor he is. Sack Black &Pellegrino before it is too late to avoid relegation Laughably the echo is stating we are "considering" buying some players in the window. No ****?The dogs in the street know VVD will fund those players
  24. Les is the king of ditherers. We need to buy three players in the next window. We constantly fail to sign players because we want a cheap price and either we **** them off or another club is prepared to pay more. Uncle Les five year contracts seemed a good idea but the downside is they are now financially secure no matter how they play. Tadic Redmond need competition because they play no matter how bad they play. Charlie Austin can't play every game Uncle Les needs to pull a few rabbits or we are in danger of relegation . Pellegrino needs replacing no matter how much it embarrasses Les. The club is run by silent men , not a word uttered after the debacle of last night. A couple of thrashings before Xmas and the roof will come off the stadium. Dither yea not Les or it might be you that goes
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