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Everything posted by gmc

  1. Sounds fair to me. What's the problem with Lallana? Can he not play on the right?
  2. Why remove a striker after 60 minutes and replace him with a midfielder if you're playing against 10 at home? Seems like a bizarre decision from my coucho potato position. Could anyone clarify?
  3. yes. but i visit to read alot. what's the point in posting if i have very little, if anything to add? Carry on...
  4. every time i come on this forum, i find ridiculous Lowe PR plants. It's so disheartening. Witness "Nineteen Canteen". The latest little example of this. The People want the Lowe out. Lowe doesnt do the people the courtesy of talking to them in the way they expect. It's not rocket science, PR boy. Maybe if there was less emphasis on cynical tactics of manipulation via online PR plants like you, and more on honest open discourse and human engagement, the problem would cease to exist. When you next report back to Lowe, maybe that should be your advice. In the meantime, stop playing a game that takes no one in on here. Time for a strategy rethink, Mr entrepreneur. Or the downturn will start to bite.
  5. not a bad result...saga is key.
  6. well i for one am a fan of lucy.
  7. One swallow doesn't make a summer...
  8. Didn't Branfoot sign Terry Hurlock? Nuff said, surely?
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