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Everything posted by scally

  1. Nobody promised you any thing, it was a referendum and as has been shown on here today both side said what they thought would happen and both were wrong. Many people involved at the time said if we don't get a deal we leave with no deal
  2. I think if you knew at the time that if we don't get a deal we leave with no deal then you can't complain when no deal actually happens.
  3. So another 2 votes
  4. Splitting the leave vote against a one off choice to remain, that doesn't work for me
  5. Exactly why a 2nd referendum would solve nothing
  6. The only people who are asking for a second referendum are remoaners, it's got nothing to do with democracy it's all about stopping brexit.
  7. The Labour party has no idea what they're doing and this comes from somebody who has never voted for any one else
  8. That's a good point but I feel you can continually put obstacles in the way, We voted out and if you look at the internet there are plenty of videos of remainer mp's saying that after two years if we haven't got a deal the default position is no deal. You can't keep on having referendums because some people change their minds over time, saying we know more now than we did then doesn't cut it with me because we still have a long way to go and even the so called experts are just ****ing in the wind with their predictions
  9. It wouldn't work because if leave won the remoaners would want another go
  10. So you believe the people who advised George Osborne who could not have been more wrong if he'd tried and the same people who advised us to ditch the pound and use the euro
  11. But if the so called experts have no idea what chance have you got, the same people who told us those lies are now saying no deal is the end of the world.
  12. That's the trouble, you were lied to. You didn't know what you were voting for
  13. Immigration has it's benefits and also has it's problems, I think you need to understand the difference between people who have concerns over immigration and people who are genuinely racist
  14. How many ways do you want it Or both
  15. And what's worse she voted remain
  16. You are not all there mate, Batman gave you Dianne Abbott, enough said
  17. Lucky I'm not into conspiracies..lol
  18. It's taken nigh on eleven years for this to come out
  19. Just play the ball not the player that will do
  20. That may be true but that is not the same as all racists voted leave
  21. So not one racist voted remain, you're off your head mate if you believe that
  22. Earlier this evening Brendon O'neill was mentioned for inciting violence and he's a self confessed marxist. So is it the far right, far left or is it that any one who voted leave is a violent nutter no matter what their political bias is?
  23. Let me get this straight, are you saying that racists only voted leave and none voted remain?
  24. I bet nobody said a dickie bird about that, hypocrites the lot of em
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