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Everything posted by scally

  1. 🤣🤣 Unless you have evidence that all of these people and all the people who have given sworn affidavits are lying how can you even think that. People of the stature of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would not be associated with this unless they believed that huge corruption had occurred in the US 2020 Presidential Election and they also had evidence to prove it
  2. How much more do you want, it's happening. Don't expect to hear anything in the msm. Watch the video https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/wvw-tv-exclusive-lt-general-michael-flynns-first-interview-president-trumps-pardon
  3. You're wrong, watch this video, I think it's from the 3 hour mark and you'll see why
  4. So in a state with 3,684,726registered voters 3.3 million of them actually voted, are you kidding me, what kind of percentage is that? Nothing to see here
  5. No evidence but a lot of dodgy shit went on
  6. If that's the odds you're giving I'll have a tenner with you he won't
  7. Is he president yet then?
  8. One video, get a grip of yourself
  9. Maybe they've realised if you watch the msm all you'll get is fake news
  10. Nothing to see here move on
  11. Sleepy Joe hasn't got a hope in hell of winning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsfaos7Z1GY
  12. The article was written by Michael Shellenberger, so no nothing like that
  13. Another right wing climate change denier. https://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/2020/6/29/on-behalf-of-environmentalists-i-apologize-for-the-climate-scare
  14. scally

    BLM & Football

    What about the protests for Daniel Shaver, Tony Timpa and Justine Damond are their lives not important. Have you actually done any research into how many unarmed people get killed by the police in America every year or do you just listen to the mainstream media and assume it's only black people?
  15. Nothing to see here, move on
  16. Just putting it out there https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/facts-about-slavery/?fbclid=IwAR0r4VQ4UT13fHUc3UvYtOrHg0NC-DMFYU96qYZjNUGm8qNl7_8umzG2qw0
  17. That's the problem, too many people and it's only going to get worse
  18. Nice reply aint, my liver nearly burst when i read that, so what about the future now?
  19. Green energy is definitely the answer
  20. I don't read newspapers, my whole point about this is the fact that we do not get even close to a balanced argument reported by the media. There are plenty of scientists who believe that climate change is happening but is not the imminent disaster that we keep being told. In no other area of science would a scientist with a different view point be called a denier, the media have taken a side in this and demonise anyone who dares to have an alternative view, this is a hugely complex issue and I think we're a long way from understanding it
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