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Everything posted by scally
If you're a climate scientist I'd love to know your thoughts on Michael Mann's hockey stick graph.
I'm arguing that climate change is not going to seriously warm the world as quickly as we're being told. The fact that very little recorded temperature change has happened in the tropical troposphere should make all of us question if we're being told the truth about the rate and acceleration of temperature change at ground level. As a climate scientist you should be able to show me the video is incorrect, so far you've not answered the main point of the video.
The video is not about one report from 1988 it's about the fact that global warming shows up first in the tropical troposphere. You cannot have no warming here and have massive warming on the earths surface. The video points out that actual recorded data does not match up with any models including present ones, it also points out that this is a problem climate scientists know about but don't understand why there has been very little warming. In an area where climate scientists have no reason to adjust the data and have to use the actual data the models don't work.
why comment then you twat
So show me where it's wrong then, just saying something does not make it true
Utter bollox that has not been claimed to be wrong though
Tell me whats wrong with the last one I put up
Individuals? Go take another look
Not wrong though am I https://extinctionclock.org/
Climate scientists have been predicting what is going to happen for as long as I can remember and not got much of it right. I'd be interested in your take on the video I posted.
Is drought some thing that never happened in the past https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/dust-bowl
The temperature is getting warmer but millions won't die.
I've never said it hasn't I just don't agree with the climate emergency that the media would have you believe it is.
Or maybe ask Al Gore, he has a lot to say on the subject
Any one care to explain
I'm f#cked if he is https://www.iq-test.net/ben-shapiro-iq-pms53.html
So 50 year old models predicted it when computer models now can't predict it with any accuracy
The Maldives are still there though, when your boys get something right make sure you give me a shout
Do you have to be a climate scientist to go through records? When it comes to the vaunted computer models, Mr. Koonin is persuasively skeptical. It’s a big problem, he says, when models can’t retroactively “predict” events that have already happened. And he notes that some of the “tuning” done to models so that they work better amounts to “cooking the books.” He should know, having written one of the first textbooks on using computers to model physics phenomena. Mr. Koonin’s science credentials are impeccable—unlike, say, those of one well-known Swedish teenager to whom the media affords great attention on climate matters. He has been a professor of physics at Caltech and served as the top scientist in Barack Obama’s Energy Department. The book is copiously referenced and relies on widely accepted government documents. Since all the data that Mr. Koonin uses are available to others, he poses the obvious question: “Why haven’t you heard these facts before?” He is cautious, perhaps overly so, in proposing the causes for so much misinformation. He points to such things as incentives to invoke alarm for fundraising purposes and official reports that “mislead by omission.” Many of the primary scientific reports, he observes repeatedly, are factual. Still, “the public gets their climate information almost exclusively from the media; very few people actually read the assessment summaries.”
Maybe he understands a lot better than you do how the data gets tampered with
You're correct, definitely a dinlo who doesn't know what he's talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_E._Koonin
Another Idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about, I love his take on the phrase climate denier. Maybe you're not as clever as you think you are. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/unsettled-review-theconsensus-on-climate-11619383653
If you answered it I can't find it and as I said a new ice age was the big thing in the 70's I know what they were saying back then. Unless they start predicting things and getting them right why would I believe it. I love the way some ones not a climate scientist when it suits, I can't remember anyone saying that about Al Gore. The money is in man-made c02 climate change. You lot always play the man not whats being said, Moore and Shellenberg were the darlings of the left until they changed their view on green energy. If you think solar and wind are the answers to all our problems and environmentally friendly your the deluded one. Watch moores documentary and read Shellenbergers book and then explain how they're wrong. Both of them have spent all of their lives as environmentalists.
I lived through the 70's so can remember what was said. trying to say they were saying it was warming back then is just moving the goalposts again, like you people do all the time. The climate cooled between 1940 and 1975 as c02 in the atmosphere increased, care to explain. Don't give me the increased volcanic activity because there was none
If climate change was as straightforward as you seem to think why are we throwing billions of pounds at renewable energy that blatantly doesn't solve the problem. Read Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger and watch Planet of the Humans by Michael Moore, both long term environmentalists who understand we need a total rethink on renewable energy. Show me one prediction that's been made by so called climate scientists that's come true, I can show you many that have not. Go back to the 70's when they were predicting a new ice age. If you have to alter data to prove your case then you have a problem.