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Everything posted by scally

  1. If they take Sasha Gadymack to court for trading whilst insolvent then surely all the owners of the skates that followed him would all need to be taken to court as well.
  2. Add me, Ive recently started touching Ted's foot.
  3. I maybe missing something but surelly if the skates had 20 million of football debts that will be paid off, if the football debts were treated the same as all other debts then that 20 million would then be spread around the other creditors meaning Mr Jones the newsagent would get 20p in the pound as apposed to 5p. It might not be much more but at least that means everybody gets treated the same and Mr Jones the newsagent probably needs it alot more than the overpaid footballers and football clubs that have shed loads of cash coming in.
  4. I hope you're right or they could start next season with no points deduction, unless The Football League impose the deduction during the season if they come out of admin with no CVA.
  5. So if they are still in admin come the start of the season and then get taken over during the season with out a CVA being agreed then the points deduction will be 2011/12 season?
  6. What they said was that if they are still in admin then they get no deduction 2010/11. If they are still in admin then according to Talk Sport the CVA issue doesn't come into it.
  7. They have just said on Talk Sport that if they are still in admin at the begining of next season they will not get a points deduction untill the following season and thats only if they are still in admin at that time. Nickh is right the bastards are getting away with it.
  8. "attendances vs capacity" If that isn't an argument a skate would use I don't know what is. What size your ground is has no bearing on your size of support unless you fill your ground every week. Admit it 19C your a skate.
  9. scally


    You should be given a certificate, all electrical work should be tested and certified.
  10. scally


    To be fair thats probably why people should use an electrician, it's not such a problem with cookers but new showers tend to be alot higher wattage, it used to be ok to wire showers in 6mm2 twin and earth cable but because new showers tend to be considerably higher wattage in alot of cases the supply cable needs to be 10mm2 twin and earth. This can become a problem when somebody just replaces an old shower with a new one but does not upgrade the supply cable feeding it.
  11. scally


    You need to understand that when they are talking about cookers on the Part P website you were looking at they are talking about wiring cooker circuits not connecting a cooker to an existing circuit.
  12. scally


    I'm not saying he should do it himself, what I'm arguing is that Part P does not apply. Personally as a sparkie myself I don't believe anybody who is unqualified should undertake any electrical work. I've worked in too many properties where so called diy electrical experts do things they shouldn't.
  13. scally


    I rest my case http://www.voltimum.co.uk/news/9101/s/Q-A-of-the-Day-Do-I-need-to-be-Part-P-registered.html
  14. scally


    It does clear it up, the hob is an appliance and not part of the electrical installation so therefore Part P does not apply.
  15. scally


    An electric hob is an appliance, connecting an appliance is not notifiable and does not require a certificate. Part P is a crock of ****, it does not stop diy sparks from carrying out work all it does is make it difficult for qualified sparks to do private work. Part P. is policed by local councils building control, if you have a chat with any one from building control you'll soon realise they know less than your average diy spark.
  16. scally


    The only correct bit of information on this thread is that you should use a qualified spark, the rest of the information is wrong. It's not notifiable and it doesn't need to be certificated. In theory you could do it yourself.
  17. People on here are talking about the skates taking out loans against the parachute payments but can an administrator actually take out a loan on behalf of a company that is in administration? Borrowing against future revenue is one of the reasons they are in the position they are currently in.
  18. Will they get to keep the parachute payment or will the future income be promised to the creditors?
  19. I thought I was the only one who remembered that, it was giving it the large one just before that flying just above peoples heads in the stands and then flew straight across the pitch into the clear perspex shelter.
  20. I spent years watching Saints struggle in the Premier League, I have enjoyed this season more than most that I can remember so if we don't go up this year does it really matter that much? Personally I would rather we took our time and got back to the Premier League after the fallout of whats going on down the road and hopefully by then football will of changed for the better and money won't be the only thing that matters.
  21. We're talking about a majority not a minority. :-)
  22. Great post mate, hopefully you'll get to see a few wins in the future.
  23. Keep the Faith.
  24. The problem is nobody will address the issue because then they will be accused of being racists. There is a loop hole that is being exploited that allows people that clearly have no idea of how to get from A to B in Southampton to become taxi drivers. Unless some one has the ****** to stand up and challenge how and why this is happening the situation will only get worse. Don't accuse the drivers who are fighting for the right to keep their jobs and also give a good service of being racist. If a large number of residents in Southampton feel they are getting a bad service from some foreign taxi drivers then that not only effects the white drivers but also and probably more so the other drivers of ethnic minorities who are also providing a decent service. The race issue should be kept out of this because this is all about doing whats fair for everybody and not letting some drivers have an unfair advantage that allows them to become taxi drivers when clearly they have no knowledge of the roads of Southampton.
  25. How do you think they get asked the questions if they do not have an interpreter.
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