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Everything posted by scally

  1. http://youtu.be/myGG6joPXq4
  2. Has the Spirit of Southampton Returned? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEjdIWNGXYI
  3. Anybody know if the court case the landlady in skatesmouth won applies to youtube videos, would be interested to know if I can argue the case and carry on uploading.
  4. Hi Scooby Ye I'll try to sort that. Cheers
  5. As it says http://youtu.be/3iMs1jqrglk
  6. If you can't watch BBC Iplayer here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iUAR8xz8K8&feature=youtu.be
  7. Interesting thoughts http://www.clarets-mad.co.uk/rprt/mtch/second_best_clarets_cant_stop_the_saints_from_marching_in_728154/index.shtml
  8. Bus 15 with the Osman clan
  9. I've never been a fan of downlights because they get so hot, even fire rated fittings have to lose heat somewhere. Also I'm not convinced the lamps blow anymore than any other fitting, for me its just the fact we were used to having one central fitting in a room with one lamp and now have sometimes up to 10 fittings in the same room with 10 lamps, what ever you do you'll have to change more lamps more often with downlights.
  10. Would be interested to know Dogs theory on why swapping an mcb for an rcbo will stop nuisance tripping? I doubt this is anything to do with your problem in fact rcbos are far more sensitive than mcbs and so would be more likely to operate under fault conditions. Although he may well be right on the crap lamps theory.
  11. If the government had the balls to stand up to the city fatcats then we wouldn't be talking about cutting services, council workers maybe fighting for themselves but they are also fighting to protect your services. I'll post the links again for you...there is an alternative. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisf...ves-sour-taste http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...-protests.html Stop fighting wars we can't win and shut the tax loopholes and we'll be able to provide the people with the services they deserve.
  12. How much could this country save by cutting the tax loopholes, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/oct/22/vodafone-tax-case-leaves-sour-taste http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1339844/Topshop-boss-Sir-Philip-Green-enjoys-Barbados-holiday-despite-tax-protests.html Only two cases shown here how many companies now have board meetings in Switzerland and go offshore. Let the poor people in this country and the services suffer when the rich just take the ****. The chief exec of Southampton Council earns more than the prime minister....cut his wages. There is an alternative but it doesn't fit in with the Tory agenda.
  13. If thats what its all about the mods should close the thread now then, he wasn't drunk. If the people on here knew him they would know he's not a drinker, he's the only brother I've never seen drunk. His favourite tipple is a cup of tea.
  14. Anybody who was there would never want to hear that song again
  15. Cheers I was a full member, did nt realise my subscription had lapsed.
  16. I have a problem that I cannot send private messages and have no way of contacting amin to try to retify this problem. If somebody from admin sees this can they please either point me in the right direction to sort it myself or can they please get it sorted. Cheers.
  17. My mistake, make that the last 50 years...lol
  18. Take a look at this site, it makes grim reading if your a skate, lets compare attendances for the last 40 years...lol http://www.european-football-statistics.co.uk/englandcontent.htm
  19. Gaydamack wants his money up front, well who can blame him for that. If he doesn't get it now channces are he won't get it at all.
  20. Gaydamack wants his money up front, well who can blame him for that. If he doesn't get it now channces are he won't get it at all.
  21. Southagate....is this another joke?
  22. Is this a joke?
  23. It’s not about results it’s about personalities and that’s worrying for the future.
  24. LOL at the Brighton fans comparing their plush new stadium with fratton Brighton's New Ground
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