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spain saint

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Everything posted by spain saint

  1. my deepest sympathies go to his family! RIP
  2. Skeleton key! (can be used for all of your houses!)
  3. I did aswell and was hoping they mucked it up!
  4. Deleted due to misunderstanding!!
  5. How many seconds please?????
  6. TBH football is a completely different business to most that people on here work for. 1. the employees are grosly overpayed for there amount of output. 2. how many customers of other businesses would put there hands in there pockets to pay the employees wages. Imo I think they should have at least donated to the coffers as these wages were payed by the customers! I bet that didn't happen with Woolworths!!
  7. Too late!!
  8. I have always thought that we should give other companies the licence to our merchandise so that we can buy stuff all over the world, it would also raise our profile! It is so hard to buy Saints products anywhere else apart from Southampton.
  9. But without Crouch maybe we wouldn't have a club now if all the latest stories about him fundingthe wages before the last match are true?
  10. You could ask this question about Mr Lowe, but you won't!!!
  11. I didn't read this! HTH!
  12. I think you have to look at all the police forces across the country using cameras to film people committing crimes whether static cctv or hand held cameras used by their own officers. They are suddenly being filmed by the general public and being caught out! Whether you think it was a tap or a punch, he shouldnt have done it and will probably have to be punished for it! Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!! By the way my Dad is a detective in the new forest and i know he would agree that the coppers have had no regulation for too long and now with camera phones they have to be careful!!
  13. One thing for sure we would have the best facilities in the blue square premier ! Best ground, best academy, best catering..................
  14. A couple of months ago we were told on here that the number of fans staying away because of Lowe was under a hundred! Now you are saying that it is the fans fault. 60 - 70 % !!!! behave!!! Make up your minds!
  15. Maybe, just maybe because the unusual suspects have gone?
  16. Nineteen Canteen seriously, please stop blaming all this on the fans, it is getting very tiresome. You must see that the missing 5000 as you say. were never going to spend their money while Lowe was still here!
  17. The 15000 "rabid unsupportive" hardcore fans that have been going to every home game this season have had their fair share of crap, and most I suspect were resigned to losing a player or two anyway! We all thought that Dyer, lalana and Surman were off anyway! Do you really think it would have made that much difference at all? You have had your questions answered, now how about commenting on some of those answers above instead of deflecting the attention away on to the fans!!
  18. Trouble is there isn't any good football to talk about at the moment!
  19. None more so than this season with what little we did have being spunked on rubbish youngsters and an equally rubbish management set up!
  20. Exactly!! we could all find better goals! It is only because the media love him even though he is a prize c o c k e l !
  21. Perhaps!! Perhaps the point of contention!!!! You sir must be the only one that believes this! Lets think about it for a minute..... Show me one instance where by Mr Lowe has ever backed down on a ****ty decision, held his hands up and said " I got it wrong ", once again until you can find that one instance, Jog on!!!
  22. No we don't! as I said earlier no one knows anything their is just a lot of hollow conjecture and scaremongering going on!
  23. I dont think it is time to panic yet! It took me three months to buy my house, so two weeks to buy a football club seems to early for me! (i know its on a different scale but you get my point, No?)
  24. It was alright! I bet if you look at match of the days goal of the month comp from this season you will find at least one as good if not better every month!
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