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Everything posted by spain saint
I love gardening but don't have the space! I do have some pots on my terrace the i grow herbs in and with the good weather here i get two or three crops per year! My other half has loads of pots and tubs of plants and they are all in bloom at the moment. The herbs I have are, parsley (curly and flatleaf), basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, chives, purple basil, lemon thyme and dill.(to go with all the fresh fish that i catch!) Loving this thread! \\:D/
The best way to catch mice is....... Put the tube from kitchen roll on your work surfacejust so it balances put some bait in the end hanging over the floor, again make sure it just balances! Then put a big dustbin underneath to catch the mouse, when it runs into the tube to eat said bait, the tube will fall in the bin! spread some cooking oil around the bin about half way up to stop it climbing out. Leave over night and then in the morning hey presto! mouse in the bin! The next part is up to you, you can either tell the wife that you will let it out humanely in the woods/forest/local park or you can out a spade through it! HTH
I just put the climate control on in my car! Hence no need for manboobage on display!
Thought I would amend your post! IMHO thats a much more accurate read! Toodle pip!
Did I forget to say "I love you"?
Good Man! I Said All Need A Time To Except New Takeovers! I Often Need Some Extra Evenings Kip! Imho No Good Takeovers Rely On Lying Low!
Thats the point! You may be right in your assumptions but how about leaving the abuse until we know whats happening?
I am sorry DD I started looking through the threads , got through about 3 pages and gave up! It is far easier and less boring to say I was wrong. I hope you can accept my sincere apology? Hey I could even start my own thread, well it seemed to work for GM!
Sorry, didn't see the other time you asked me! I however will now trawl through the other hundred threads to pick examples just because you asked so nicely!
Some of your behaviour on here aver the last week is not what i would expect from a member of the armed forces , but hey ho!
Hello Nineteen!
Sadly a lot of people seem to have fallen for this uterly insincere apology! It is also hilarious to see people saying that it "takes a real man to admit when they are wrong", Yeah face to face it does! but anyone can do it on an internet forum from the safety of their bedroom! Here is my sincere appology to MLT for ever doubting him. See, anyone can do it! and I didn´t even post comments doubting him. This is just more attension seeking rubbish and wouldn´t surprise me if the puchline was still to come!
Where do you work!!:smt119
There were many people last night on 4 or 5 seperate threads posting crap! just read some of GM's threads to find out!
Saying things at a football match might be considered banter, but it still hurts someone! Whereas posting these comments from the safety of your own home, behind a computer screen just makes the poster look pathetic! By the way not saying that I haven't been guilty in my life of singing **** at a football match!
Completely agree! You should post on here a little more often you know!
He will need the whole buffet!
I think if this goes through the abusers should hang there heads in shame!
well said!
I hope everyone will not only take back their negative posts but some (including GM) take back some of the vile comments they have posted about the prospective new owner! I would also say to TL not to post on here anymore as we just dont deserve to know any info!
Any different than you and GM seemingly wanting the pinnacle bid to fail?
The reason people have a pop at GM is the way he goes about things. If the pinacle bid goes tits up then yeah was right, but I know I won´t be celebrating! Deals go bad all the time in all walks of life. This one is just played out in the public eye! However no one deserved the vile tirade of abuse that some here seem keen to dish out!
Even if it makes you look like a loser?
Maybe he has gone to sit on the naughty step and think very hard about what he has done!
Wouldn´t be surprised to be honest, readign some of his vitriol tonight!