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spain saint

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Everything posted by spain saint

  1. Have to agree with jan here! I believe that the game was completely ruined by the referee. We all knew we were going to lose and we all saw that it could have been by many more, but for anyone to tell me that the referee would have sent off a Man Utd player for the same tackle and for anyone to say that the ball hit his hand when at the time of watching it and for countless other replays since it clearly hit the back of his head, then they must have been watching another game! The game i was watching for the first twenty minutes saw us passing it about and getting in amongst them. Fair enough they then took over and scored a goal that was offside but the linesman didnt see that! Altogether i think without the two major decisions by the referee we would have seen a completely different game!
  2. End of the year second from bottom and can't see us getting out of it. That just about sums it up!:mad:
  3. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  4. That is my point draino! I havent played such a big game in ages. normally I finish a game in about 2 days, especially first person shooters. Hey I agree with you Robsk that the most annoying thing is to have to travel so far and kill the same people that you killed last time!
  5. For me it is a perfect game! Sniper rifle in hand and perched on a hill, I could be there for hours. I havent played any other modes than the main game though so cannot coment on that.
  6. Bought this last week and it is fantastic! By far the biggest game that I have played. I have about 28 hours game time so far and only done about 65%. that is value for money. Anyone else got it?
  7. Although a first person shooter, I have bought Far Cry 2 for the PC which is amazing. Thye game is huge and I have so far played for about 28 hours and am only 65% completed, now thats good value for money!
  8. No not yet but if you signed up for the beta you can now enter the transfer window which is just a bigger version of the beta! However there were probably a couple of hundred people on last night and we had some good games. Also it is good to build your character up before all the little oicks get on! I am also Spainsaint or chalky in the game so if you go on contact me for a game!
  9. Anyone from here playing? And if so anyone want a game?
  10. Thankyou for that! Some very informative reading but I still dont see any evidence of expats ruining the Spanish healthcare system! As it said in those articles, the people over 60 are getting their healthcare paid by the UK, along with people who have taken early retirement. I suspect that a lot of expats over here under 60 pay into the system by the way of working and alot of these articles or statistics dont take into account the thousands of businesses own by expats and employing Spanish which also pay their taxes.
  11. I would like to see some evidence of this bold statement! I dont know any ex/pats here where i live that dont work!!
  12. Surely comparing club with country is a non starter? Surely with the National football or cricket team a supporter doesn't have to worry about the finances and wether you can afford another stricker or have to worry about administration!? Surely with these things to worry about a supporter of a club team is entitled to have a moan and not to attend?
  13. I worked in the wykeham arms for about a month 7 years ago! Bunched of ego overinflated tosspots! Fact!
  14. Actually I would like someone to start a weekend thread next tuesday just for me! Thanks in advance.
  15. I havent had a weekend off in about 5 years so wednesday and thursday are the new weekend! FACT!
  16. 11.796 after about ten goes! Edit> just got 9.377 after about another ten goes. Think ill leave it there!
  17. Yes, yes it was!!
  18. someone was watching Graham Norton last night!
  19. FAO StuRomseySaint For someone that won't pay to use this site and doesn't seem to like it or many people on it, you do spend a lot of time using it, If the length of your posts are anything to go by! Thankyou for your most valuable time. xx
  20. If it is any concilation I had my bar here broken into twice in April! The first time the man had been to collect the money the day before so they got nothing as they stupidly didnt break into the reserve cash, just the winnings. The second time they broke in the night before the man came so got about a grand! We have a 50/50 split on the profits here so lost about 500 euros plus the repair of the window twice! I do have an alarm system but it takes me 15 minutes to drive to the bar after I recieve the call so couldnt get there in time! (believe it or not but the got in and out of my bar and the one next door in twelve minutes.) The only way I could stop them is to put rechas (metal bars) up at the windows, which cost me another 1500 euros, but touch wood I havent had any more problems since!! This could be an option for you especially if the brewery could pay for it!!
  21. Contract Killer/hitman/sniper:snipe:
  22. You must stay in a lot!
  23. Thanks to all! (I think?)
  24. Just got in whats happening?
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