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Everything posted by spain saint
I agree. While its no super signing! lets give him a chance and see what he is like eh?
Not impressed with Wotte "Fans are very easy with their judgement"
spain saint replied to St. Jason's topic in The Saints
Well I for one would think that the next bloke deserves to get at least a decade of bizare decisions and utter contempt for the fans before we start to protest again! Also it is probably the snow and blizzards that are keeping you off the streets! -
Not impressed with Wotte "Fans are very easy with their judgement"
spain saint replied to St. Jason's topic in The Saints
You make some very interesting points and i agree with most of it. However IMO I feel that their is hardly any gray area, one supports him or they don't! simple! I think you have to take sides in this situation, as Mr lowe runs SFC, the side you say you are on! The only grey areas come into it when one has picked their side. ie wether to blame the man for the terrible weather you are having! I also dislike this man being anywhere our club and would much rather Leon Crouch let back in to run things at the moment, simply because I think he can approach the football side of the business better. I dont paint myself into a corner by picking sides as I dont come down on the man for everything he does, I actually think he does some things well,(the finances for example) so that still makes me objective, just on the side of the anti Lowe mob. Anyway nice to have some well thought out rational discussion for a change! Long may it continue! That said I still may post crap in the heat of the moment. so apologies in advance. -
Not impressed with Wotte "Fans are very easy with their judgement"
spain saint replied to St. Jason's topic in The Saints
Imho, this is the most fun this forum has been for months wether i agree or disagree with everyones comments! -
Not impressed with Wotte "Fans are very easy with their judgement"
spain saint replied to St. Jason's topic in The Saints
TBH saintwarwick I know that the anti Lowe people use childish names etc, but we have had some of the pro Lowe complaining about it and then doing exactly the same thing! I was trying to make the point to all parties, that if you are civil and treat other people with respect then your opinion may just be listened too more! Sadoldgit still doesnt get the fact that this situation is black and white, you either like Lowe to run the club or you don´t. The sitting on the fence is a cop out! Also saying their is no other choice isn´t the middle ground it is just a lack of willing to nail your flag to the mast. -
Not impressed with Wotte "Fans are very easy with their judgement"
spain saint replied to St. Jason's topic in The Saints
The users on this forum who seem to support Lowe are complaining about those that don't by calling them names and saying that their views are wrong etc! Please someone tell me how that behavior makes you any better than the people that you are criticizing? Try posting comments without the childish name calling and maybe people will take more notice of your opinions. -
I see you only commented on the Pro or anti bit! There was alittle more to it, But hey ho! Come on you cant sit on the fence all your life and to me this seems a pretty cut and dried situation. You either like the club being run by Rupert Lowe or you don't. Please show me where you sit on the fence with this one!
I went to work today and as I work in a Restaurant/bar we have all the English football on and lots of English supporters. I got at least 15 guys come up to me today to say how good the protest was yesterday. These fans were from a variety of clubs, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tranmere, Sunderland, Newcastle and even a skate! So the publicity may make a positive impact for our cause. However to say that it was a waste of time is blatantly false because this was just a start and the publicity of our plight will get bigger if we carry on and things will have to change! P.S. one of my chefs is Spanish and doesn't speak much English and he found out about it! God knows how!
SOG, you get on your high horse about supporting the team and the fanbase being united then you start threads like this that will be seen by many of the people on this site as precalculated antagonism! I really fail to see what your point is! I also read your posts and fail to see where you are coming from! Are you pro Lowe, anti Lowe or just a very confused man? :smt102
The official Rudi Skacel departure announcement SWEEPSTAKE!
spain saint replied to CB Fry's topic in The Saints
Monday 9.14pm Hertha Berlin..............................FACT! -
Has anyone realised that this news has come out nearly a week after the event? I used to live in Southampton and i knew what was happening before the victim did! (mind you my father was a detective in the new forest) I also lived in Guernsey for a few years and know that this kind of news would be across the island in hours along with the story about Mrs Bloggs turning her white washing blue!! Believe me this would be big news in the Channel islands! I smell a rat!
This forum has just gone beyond the ridiculous. First we had the comment from Scott, which if any of you have been reading this forum for the last year could see was made tongue in cheek.(you only have to read one lounge thread to see that!) Then we had adrians throwing his toys out of the pram, which i must say surprised me because I remember on his own forum he used to be a laugh and could take a joke. Up to this point it was laughable! Now we have nineteen and others calling forum members chavs and the like for going on a protest and almost wanting there to be trouble IMO. Now pot, kettle, black anyone? I can remember Lowe's supporters telling people not to turn it into a class war, what are you doing now? If people don't want to protest then fine don't, but don't look down upon the people that want to get off their backsides and make a stand, whether it works or not. I know if i could I would be there as well, however I will be there in spirit! Down with the board! Up the Saints!
Always watch him, thinking he is one of us! Good luck mate and stay strong!
Please someone put this in golden threads! I haven´t laughed so much in along time. Come on guys, the club might be in the **** but we can still have a sense of humour no? Anyway quality thread!:smt043
Again someone please tell me what would be different with jan still here?
I am still waiting to read on here from someone ITK that posts the whole story and does not just drip feed the story! When will we ever get the Whole story on this forum!!!:mad:
Won't believe this until shown proof!Rumours have been wrong too many times on here and the forums that proceeded this one. If the OP really wants to be believed, give us names! Surely if the source wanted to stay anonamous then they would not appreciate you putting this information on the forum at all? It is now time to put up or shut up!:mad:
Ok last one from me tonight back tomorow with more!
The happy couple? P.s. yes i am bored!:yawinkle:
They are all here!
thanks mb!:yawinkle:
cant upload the pic anyone help!