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IN MY DAY's Achievements

  1. Our support is 2nd to none.
  2. Away win, clean sheet, 3pts and up to 4th A nice 'positive' day.
  3. All positive stuff on here today from the diehards.
  4. Our Support Everything achieved from the depth's of the 10 point deduction and our rise up from League 1 to the upper echolon's of the premier has been lost. The spirit from the dressing room and through the four corners of the ground from the meteoric rise through the divisions has disappeared. We are now firmly established in the 'Premier League Show' with all its greed, mercenary players, spiv chairman, agents and managers all chasing more wealth beyond there wildness needs. Our support has become fickled, built on expectation beyond our financial realities. We proclaim that we bleed red and white, we'd would die for the saints and we support the Saints through thick and thin, yet bleed and vent on social media within minutes of any given game finishing about our latest whinge or our ever devouring need to have a St Marys whipping boy. I've read the comment on the Huddersfield support yesterday, that was St Marys when we reached the Holy Grail a few years back and give it a few years and Huddersfield are firmly ensconced in 'The Show' i am sure all the qualities that got them to the promised land will disappear under the same weight of expectation. Complacency runs through this club and and its support from top to bottom. There was a time when the team had a set back at St Marys all four sides would rise and carry the team through and already just 3 games in we are buried under a xxit storm of negativity. I don't know if anyone else has noticed that with the possible exception of Romeu, according to a whole range of Social Media outlets frequented by through 'thick and thin' supporters our entire squad is gash. The thing is within the first sentence you can work out that some of these 'supporters' don't actually go to games yet jump on the Tadic, Redmond, JWP, Yoshida, Davis or whatever negativity is running through the Ethernet on any given day. Rant over and back to the sunshine.
  5. 130 posts on a speculative newspaper article. Papers must be right, always are.
  6. IN MY DAY


    Loving it... Get your shiny whites around that one Jamie C.
  7. Mr VVD, I think we are miles apart on what constitutes a 'proud professional' I am insulted that if Mr Vardy had ended your career this 'proud' club would have honoured the 6 year deal you signed last May. A contract you now wish to walk away from because you and your agent want a pay day. Captain Material ? ..... My aaarse
  8. Can never understand why Tony Pullis try's to sign strikers. Or why strikers want to sign for Tony Pullis
  9. Good luck to Claude, he's had a raw deal here from the board and the fans. Always felt if he had the time he was here for the long term and stability and now we start all over again. 8th and a cup final with a toothless frontline up till January and a make do centre back pairing.
  10. Liverpool had to pull out, they are already banned from signing academy players, if Saints presented proof of tapping then they must leave themselves open to a total transfer ban. The apology is grovelling by any standard.
  11. If we beat Man U at Wembley and lift the Cup will you be checking into the Priory for Counselling?
  12. 4 goals clean sheet All adds up to a great day And a wrist slitters night off. Happy Days Jrod reaction on the bench about as poor as his 45 minutes performance last week on the pitch.
  13. We need a fast start like we did on Saturday and get an early goal. The next step is to defend better, keep them out, and hopefully score a few more. I wonder if Sunderland winning will play into our hands. They might attack a bit more then they would have done, and it'll be bit more open. -------- Shortly after we scored on Saturday, we won a freekick just outside our area, maya had his hands out trying to calm things down and take our time but someone tried to play a quick freekick, we lost the ball and Carroll scored. We just need to smarten up.
  14. Why dont support them then instead of whinging. Did you leave early ? A 50 year old through thick and 'thin' Saints ' supporter' !!
  15. Just another whinging bed wetter who won't be bothering to support a xxit manager and a xxit team at Wembley
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