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Everything posted by pheonix

  1. Theo Pothetis (ex Millwall Chairman) No wonder it was Dragon on!
  2. Elvis! as rumours are he lives in the south of England now! :-)
  3. Announcement on friday!
  4. NP had planned to use the Academy more this year but last year he priority was to stay up and then build on it this season! but as you know he was never given the chance!
  5. We have 8 season tickets and were are not renewing any of them unless Lowe goes!
  6. no he was hardly there!!
  7. Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. And only saw him smiling when we were losing!
  9. Ok Sorry, but that was my point that like anyone who was good at his job he realised his mistake (and we all agree it was an mistake) and rectified it swiftly and brought in NP and I expect things would be better if they both were still here! Look how well NP is doing now!
  10. Yes but Lowe did get us RELEGATED! ffs
  11. ILeon rectified his ONE mistake very quickly(how many matches?), and not taken the length of time that lowe and his MANY mistakes!
  12. Yes I agree with you he made an mistake ( Leon is only human with no crystal ball) but it was rectified quickly!
  13. Hello! yeah think its time to post again! Leon will want a manager that has experience in the Championship and I dont mean a few games! The word is spreading!
  14. 3-4 games may be too late!!!
  15. Wish I could but just about working out how to type! lol
  16. LOL! of course Leon would get the blame but i think relegation would be alot less likely if he was at the helm!
  17. He was never really allowed to show his ability as a board member as he was always out voted by Hone ect! You mention about decorum at the AGM but dont you think it was understandable that anger was vented because of the way Lowe was talking down to everyone! grown men even shed a tear! Leon is a passionate fan and he was just frustrated as was most in the room including myself!
  18. yes i know its spelt wrong but my friends know why!
  19. Leon Knows he has to do something!
  20. When Crouch returns he will not want lowe and wilde there! and def not Wotte!!
  21. Leon would never have wotte! he would have an English manager in like Pearson in charge!
  22. Wotte is a Double of Poortvliet only worse! If we lose at Nowich there must be a demonstration before and after the Swansea game to remove Wilde and Lowe and bring back Leon Crouch. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that Leon will bring in an English manager experienced in the Championship in the mould of Nigel Pearson and save our great club! Crouch and Pearson were ousted before and by the Judas Wilde and the pompous and arrogant Lowe ! We all knew it would be an disaster and the only way to save our great club is for all fans to unite behind Leon Crouch to come back ! He has shown himself to be a passionate fan, who is an astute business man with the money to save our great club! Get behind him! If we leave it later than Swansea it will be too late
  23. ok thanks, now i am confused
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