Injury 1. Bloke in front of me was hit bit a squeezy sauce bottle thrown from the Brighton fans at an away game in the '80's. ****ing thing discharged tomato sauce all over me. My mate Owen thought it was blood, but when he realised it was sauce, he fell about laughing. I, on the other hand, had to spend the rest of the day (match, train, pub, that night club in Eastleigh) stinking of the stuff.
I have never touched tomato sauce since.
Injury 2. Stopped in a pub on the way home from Coventry, (lost 1-0 i think, maybe the first game of the season?). Pistols came on the juke box, so I jumped on the table to dance & realised the ceiling was only 6.5 feet from the ground. Dented head, double vision & massive headache next day.
Happy days !