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Everything posted by batterseasaint

  1. Very sad. One of the few players that I can properly identify with, and one that would have stayed (even in L1) if we'd sorted our **** out early enough.
  2. He said that Pinnacle have assured him that they are ready to press the button as soon as they get the problem solved with FL. So nothing has changed there then.
  3. So you would prefer to be proven right than for Pinnacle to put down the money to save our club? There really are some weird ****ers on this site.
  4. Plays football as a centre back for London Maccabi Lions. He's in property. Looks like Rory Delap. Has a husky voice. That's all.
  5. LOL! That did make me laugh! It reads like a party political broadcast for Jackson and co. I think we're all starting to see clearly what Matty means about outside influences trying to scupper the Pinnacle deal. LLS, just shut the **** up. If you had the best interests of the club at heart and you had an ounce of professionalism in that brain of yours, you would spend your time trying to conclude your own deal rather than upset others' by talking about their bids to the press and other cheap PR outlets.
  6. Pinnacle have already told us that they will let us know who the backer is once the deal is done. Can't be arsed to search through their various messages to find the actual quote though.
  7. If this was Facebook, this post would say 'BatterseaSaint likes this'.
  8. Important point in the quotes from Matty on Sky Sports when he said that they have a contract on the table from the FL. Lynham has also told us that they WILL buy the club and the issue will be resolved. As I understand it, their concerns are not so much about the ten points, and not even about the principles of being allowed to appeal, but more about gaining assurances from the FL that we will be given a licence for next season. So now they have that assurance in the form of a proposed contract from the FL. And given their 'determination' to buy the club, why don't they complete the purchase and then fight the battle with the FL as the actual (not prospective) owners of the club? If they manage to get any compromise built into that contract, then great... if not, we know we can play in League 1 next season anyway. So what is now stopping them from completing the deal?
  9. I'm sorry, but LOL!
  10. If Pinnacle are serious, they will get the deal tied up tomorrow. And preferably in the morning. If they leave it any longer and any one of the other bids are serious, then Fry will need to enter into an exclusivity period with another bid in order to get the wages paid on Thursday. Given Pinnacle's existing investment (though not the full 500k, probably not far off it), and also the words from Matty and TL, I remain convinced of their determination to buy the club. I have been saying from the moment this FL issue came up that it isn't so much to do with the 10 points, but more about getting clarification from the FL as to what circumstances are required to have the notice of withdrawal withdrawn (and probably also that we won't receive any additional points reduction). And quite right they were to seek this clarification. Although it may not be the answer that Pinnacle wanted, nonetheless they have their answer from the FL. So there is now nothing to stop them concluding the deal, and I believe they have to do it immediately in the morning if they want to avoid being frozen out by an exclusivity period with another party.
  11. I think there is more to this than meets the eye. I honestly don't think this is purely an issue of whether the FL will allow us to appeal or not. I also think it is about whether the FL will arbitrarily hit us with another deduction. Remember, we will be 'coming out of administration' without a CVA (although the fact that it is impossible for us to get a CVA because we aren't in administration is another issue!), which means by FL rules, they should also hit us with another penalty. I would expect a deal to be made whereby we take the 10 point hit and the FL give us redemption from any further penalty. The Football League's statement on their website didn't sound like they had put the matter to bed, and they did indicate that they would be talking more with Pinnacle. Whatever the rights and wrongs of all this, did anyone really expect the FL to come back and say, 'actually yes you're right... have your 10 points back'? It wasn't going to happen, and now is the time for Tony Lynham to really show his mettle and negotiating skills.
  12. He seems to be a decent, honourable man who is prepared to work hard and do his best. However, the team capitulated far too many times in crucial games under his watch at the end of last season. Games which we HAD to fight for the club's future, we simply didn't turn up. Ultimately, the responsibility must lie with him. If the most important criteria for the manager's job was to be a decent bloke, then I would be happy for him to continue, but it isn't, so he isn't the man for the job. However, that is not to say that he couldn't go back to his previous job of looking after the youth.
  13. Oh shut up and wind your neck in. I was being ironic, having a pop at those posters who have in the past criticised Jackson for his poor spelling.
  14. I'm aware of the reputation of Marc Jackson from reading on here over the last couple of years, and also from that interview he gave when attempting to take over Bournemouth. Appears to me that the major accusations about him are that he is dyslexic, a chancer and that he couldn't back up his claims with hard cash. I know absolutely nothing about Stuart Green, but it seems he is a moderately successful business man, I am guessing in much the same way as Leon Crouch. Local businessman with enough money to gain control of the club, but not enough to do a huge amount with it. However, if they have indeed managed to throw together just short of 14m to gain control of the club, then I guess we can discount one of the criticisms against Marc Jackson. And frankly I am not that bothered about his dyslexia if he is going to play a major role in helping the club avoid liquidation. As for being a chancer, I guess people make this assumption on the basis that he doesn't have any significant money himself. So basically, he is a normal Saints fan with a desire to be involved in the football club that he loves, and has put in a lot of time and effort to try and make that happen. I bet there are a hundred fans on this forum who would love to be able to put themselves in the same position (and that is perhaps the major reason he gets a slating on here- a Saints fan, like us, who has the audacity to have a dream and try to make that happen). However, the major issue I have is that a successful bid by these two may just prove to be as divisive as Rupert Lowe was. I can already imagine the hand-wringing on this forum if they do gain control, right from the start, when in fact a much better reaction would be to give the guys a chance to prove themselves. After all, it doesn't appear that anyone else is working hard enough to show Fry the cash, and for that reason they deserve our support. For what it's worth, I would prefer the club to be taken over by someone else (the Pinnacle 'bid' sounds like a good long-term solution for Saints, while the offer of a mystery overseas party seems to promise much greater sums of cash), but if that is not to happen and Jackson and Green gain control, they have my full support.
  15. Whatever the rights or wrongs of whether rugby should be played at our stadium, this is a well-timed story as far as we are concerned. It can only serve to highlight the potential in terms of revenue generation that our stadium has. Got to be good for potential buyers.
  16. I could be wrong here, but I vaguely recall when St. Mary's was built that there was an issue with contamination (I am guessing from the gasworks) that meant the land could not be used for residential, but a football stadium was OK. Presuming that is why the council put the site on a plate for us, because it was good for very little else.
  17. My keys ended up about 4 rows down from where I was stood!
  18. Not an injury, but I lost my car keys while celebrating a goal in the Play offs at Pride Park. Didn't realise until I got back to the car. Had to go back to the stadium, which was empty by that stage apart from the stewards. Had to wait around for about 2 hours while the stewards cleared up, at which point I was led down into a little room in the bowels of the ground, where I was presented with my keys. Some kind Saints fan (thank you, if you are reading this) had handed them in. Finally got home about 3am.
  19. It appears from photos on Google Images that Tisdale loves a good cravat, which to my mind is worth a lot in terms of managerial pedigree. Get him in, I say. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.teamtalk.com/08/12/800x600/Paul-Tisdale-Exeter-City-boss_1597506.jpg&imgrefurl=http://msn.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,14730_5154136,00.html&usg=__0bDpKMRIrXjxhhKSBYMP_frURzk=&h=600&w=800&sz=100&hl=en&start=11&tbnid=IYhxgOxoR3P6EM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpaul%2Btisdale%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  20. I agree, I think it is a crucial appointment, but not necessarily only because of the success he may or may not bring on the pitch. Next season has to be a watershed in the history and future of SFC. We've all had enough heartache and pain over the last 5 years, and it is time all that is consigned to history. New owners and a new manager will signify a new start for us. If the first act of the new owners is to appoint a manager for the long term who sparks the imagination of us fans, season tickets will definitely be up on last season and despite the minus 10 points, the season will start with an air of positivity. The alternative, to start the new season with Wotte still in charge, will reduce the effect that the new start could give us.
  21. Undoubtedly a Lowe return would be better than the club's demise. However it won't mean much to me, because I will neither support nor follow the club from a distance. But there may come a time in the future when Lowe is no longer involved, in which case I will try to re-kindle my love for the club. If Lowe does come back, at least with him around, it means there will be the opportunity for me to come back to the club in the future. Without him, there would not*. *Please don't brand me as a Lowe-luvvie because of this :-)
  22. My guess about a contingency is to try and sell off the assets piecemeal and then find a way of the football club continuing to run as a separate entity. For example, the council buying St. Mary's to lease back to the club, and perhaps selling Jacksons Farm to property developers from Guernsey.
  23. To be honest, I won't be too disheartened to see him stay. However, on the flipside I would also like to see any new owner try to make a big statement about where they see us heading. The easiest way to do this would be to install a new manager immediately, and one that is either experienced at this level or higher, or has a lot of promise for the future. Two names that immediately spring to mind, and both of whom I would love to see at St. Mary's next year are Jimbo Magilton or Paul Ince. Both would bring something completely fresh to the club, which will help wipe away the Lowe cobwebs.
  24. So what's your connection with Fitness First then?!
  25. Whether we are in League 1 or the Championship, it won't make a difference to the amount of debt that any investor has to pay off. Likewise with the assets; the value of Jacksons Farm etc. is not going to change much depending on our division. Because we are in administration, we are no longer a going concern, which means the goodwill of the business is worth approximately £1.
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