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Everything posted by RingySFC

  1. http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/raheem-s-pace-can-hurt-us thats my 50 pence.
  2. Lots of resident parking zones in place around the ground and if you do find free street parking expect to pay the "mind your car for you mister" youngsters.
  3. What the **** is up with Fox's crossing?????????????????
  4. Davies ****ing poor
  5. A couple of comments from the “bestset” in the Skate News:- “Fratton looks like in that Photo like the old greyhound stadium or a tip.So whoever gets the club should take over if they gaurantee that a new ground be built within a year or 2 or no deal.” Poor delusional Skate – No deal then! “We need to bit County and a week of training win at home S****horpe and then Yeovil away we should do that ! So 9 points and ownership will take longer.........TB no need to decide on BC or PST as yet. they have passed FL now, its unto TB but he will have to look closely at SAF now and delay to allow that” WTF??
  6. What a load of ******. Skates yes but seriously don't give a toss about Brighton or Bournemouth
  7. Don't quote me but I'm pretty sure that if you are a "South Coast Hampshire Club" you can sign whoever you want, whenever you want, from whoever you want and not give a feck about any rules laid down by any governing bodies. Sure this has happened ......... just can't remember the club involved???????
  8. I've got pens and I'm on Merseyside - on me fecking way right now!!!
  9. Can anyone please answer this? If the skates supporters trust don't have the money and can't take over (I know they don't have the money) and the Parachute Payments have already been allocated to past players etc. and Liquidation is the only option, who pays Trevor Birch's fees of £1.8m??
  10. I hold my hands and admit I was wanting the skates to go bust on the August 10th deadline. Now I bow to you "Nutjobs" and offer my thanks and admiration - this is soooo much more fun:- "This is a very sad day. I see no future for Portsmouth Football Club. The Administrator has no inclination to support the option that would see Trust ensure that football matters are the prime focus of our future. We have the clearest understanding now that Chanrai has no interest in club investment and will only continue to asset strip (property or parachute payments) to achieve his own ends. Worst still recent events have served to set the most loyal of fans against each other. I am very reluctantly going to ask for a refund of my season ticket payment. Someone in authority really should recognise that the last straw has been placed on the camel's back and thousands of fans feel very badly let down after showing incredible loyalty up until now and we should be told honestly what the future holds." Slooooow lingering death - just gets better and better.............
  11. Even now the ****ing skate ****s still do'nt get it!!!!!!!!!!! "Think Capital One might just have a strong word or two on this subject. The League/FA have now seriously undermined the competition . When the League season starts there will be teams asking if Pompey can field a equally weak team against them as they did against others. Knowing the luck so far Pompey will get fined for fielding a under strength team. Level playing fields , not with us!"
  12. From one of the Skates site.Anyone what to add thier answers to Appy's question??? Appy Pompeii Isn't it a little worrying that the Trust need a loan and get into debt straight away ? I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THERE HAS BEEN NO OTHER INTEREST IN OUR CLUB ! Why hasn't there been ?
  13. There are a lot of questions being asked on the fish Forum. Lets try and answer some:- emmbee81 Given that TBH, through his agent has said he has no intention of playing League 1 football, can TB not take this as an indication of his notice and therefore remove him from the club in 14 days? NO AND IT’S LOOKING VERY LIKELY THAT HE IS NOT THE ONLY SKATE THAT WON’T BE PLAYING LEAGUE 1 FOOTBALL - Alternatively, if he refuses to play can he not be fined as Man City did with Tevez? NO – BUT WHAT AN IMAGINATIVE WAY TO TRY AND MAKE MONEY FOR YOUR CLUB Harry Stotle Is this the same Trevor Birch that told us the deadline was June 30th before the league fixtures are drawn up? YES Is this the same Trevor Birch who told us he was confident that we wouldn't have a points deduction? YES – YES IT IS. IN TREV WE TRUST. Appy Pompeii Can we not make these players in question sit down for a press conference and put all the focus on them and ask them the questions and see how they answer and why they are doing what they say ? YOU COULD:- “PLEASE PLAYERS WE HAD AN AGREEMENT FOR YOU TO DEFER YOUR WAGES (WHICH YOU DID) AND WE WOULD NOW LIKE TO CHANGE THAT AGREEMENT AND GIVE YOU **** ALL” PLEASE, PLEASE HAVE A PRESS CONFERENCE. Southstand Johnny I've just read the SOS Pompey letter. did someone seriously send/give this to players? OH MY ACHING SIDES – YES THEY DID. Let's hope the national press don't get a copy of wot was rit! dear oh dear, did you not get someone to proof read this letter? YES THEY DID AND COULDN’T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT Pompey will not only be the most vilified club in football history but the biggest laughing stock! OH GOD PLEASE Farside1 Did he comment on the offers the club are making to a number of triallists and others to make them "the highest paid players in League 1" next season? NO HE DIDN’T. BUT HEY PAYING HIGH WAGES IS WHAT BRINGS SUCCESS ISN’T IT?
  14. From one of the Skate News comments:- PlayUpPompeyFanJake2011 Can we do it? Can we really get our points back and start on an even footing? If we can + sign the majority of the trialists currently at the club, I can see us having a very successful season. ****ing hilarious!!!!
  15. "Jelly and Ice Cream on August the 1st ..............."
  16. When it says the SFA have contacted Rangers in order for the transfer to go through, who exactly have they contacted? old rangers who the contract was with? because surely they dont exists any more? or Rangers NewCo or whatever they are calling themselves because if its newco i dont understand how it is their decision with them being a new company?
  17. When it says the SFA have contacted Rangers in order for the transfer to go through, who exactly have they contacted? old rangers who the contract was with? because surely they dont exists any more? or Rangers NewCo or whatever they are calling themselves
  18. Retro for Liverpool and Everton:- "You are a Scouser, an ugly Scouser, you're only happy on Giro day your Mum's out thieving, your Dad's drug dealing, please don't take my hub cap's away"
  19. To Moff and all the other Coventry fans. I can only really echo what other Saints have said:- lot of affinity with Coventry,similar clubs, our great escape from SISU etc. Sincerly wish you all the best for next season, it hurts now but enjoy L1 and come back stronger. Look forward to playing you in the Prem in the not to distant future!!!
  20. what were you embarassed about? people being dressed up? ok people may be counting their chickens a bit (the thread about if we should have a ****ing open top bus around the city when we go up) and some of the chants may have been bit arrogant but we were right behind the team, thought the suport was loud and created a really good atmosphere. To say our support was "embarassing" is very harsh indeed.
  21. I assume people who thought our support was crap didn't go to the game? because I thought our support was fantastic, thought our loud start pushed the lads up to score our first so early. Im sure I remember someone not long back posting saying how saints dont turn up first 10 mins of away matches. The boro fans were awful until about 10 minuets before the end and then had the nerve to give us abuse as we were walking away from the ground. As for people moaning about people dressing up who cares? people have made the effort to go up there and support the lads, if they want to have a bit of fun and dress up go for it. COYR.
  22. Why does it seem that every thread in the last few days have turned into a "I'm a better fan that you" "Don't sing that song" "Why aren't you going to Boro" Etc. Etc. For ****s sake we are all Saints together. This is an exciting time to be a Saint so lets just enjoy it. Whether you're going to Boro or watching it on TV .... be loud, be proud and enjoy being a SAINT!!!!!!
  23. Yellow and Blue balloons. Acceptable or not?
  24. My tickets say South Upper! Give us a wave when you're on the pitch!!!
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