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About willsasaint

  • Birthday 10/08/1982

willsasaint's Achievements

  1. Boruc Fonte Yoshi Chambers Clyne Morgan Big Vic Davis Tadic Jay Rod Pelle Assuming that the Tadic and Pelle deals happens and that Lovren leaves. Cork , Gaston and JWP strong back ups but would be worried about depth up front , at the back and in goal.
  2. Good news. For me a key part of the squad , pops up with important goals and assists.
  3. Thanks for taking time to post a response Appy, very insightful. Hope he isn't too far away from playing, love his passion for the shirt and will be interesting to see if he can continue to score goals when he steps up to the championship.
  4. Just wondered if anyone has heard any recent news on Barney. He never seems to be mentioned on the OS and there has been no update on his injury. I would imagine he is still in our plans as he signed a new deal during the summer ? Anybody ITK ??
  5. Thanks Guys, think thats a real shame . I guess the game being on Sky probably doesn't help.
  6. Really hoping to build on the support at then end of last season both home and away. Anybody know how many tickets sold so far for Saturday, I understand Leeds have sold their full allocation of 3000.
  7. No one thought to hit print screen or saw anything more?
  8. Just wondered after a fantastic day today, how may people on here are going tomorrow and if if anyone knows how many tickets the club have issued so far ?
  9. Was two up front at Walsall. Remember Lambo and Conolly both started and scored !
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